I decided to write about job hunting since that is what I am currently doing; searching for a job. What I can say about job hunting is that it is extremely stressful and tiring. It is so draining looking for jobs online, scrolling for hours and applying to multiple places for hours and then having to wait days to weeks to learn whether or not you got an interview.
I know there are millions of people looking for a job or who do have a job and want to find a better one, I am with you guys on this. I hate job hunting, I think it's one of the worst things of this world aside from stepping on a lego with or without a sock, job hunting is up there with the lego.
I always think that for whatever position I may or may not be applying for, I know I'd be a great addition no matter what because I'm a workaholic; I love working and I love to work. I'm the type of person that I need to be productive in order to feel useful, as bad as it may sound, I need to be working. I remember last summer one of my close friends had to keep telling me to relax because I had been working for so long that I kind of forgot how to relax for more than one day. I love working and being productive ^.^
As for those who are in the same position as me, looking for a job or for other who are looking for their first job or they currently have a job and they want a different, looking around is the only thing I can tell you. As tedious as it is, you have to look around to see what is in your area or what is around you. If you have a car, I feel like you have an awesome advantage because you an go even further thus being able to get more millage on all the jobs in your neighborhood and in following neighborhoods. Those looking for jobs for the first time and may not be able to, doing volunteer work or getting internships really gets your foot in the door. Those who are hiring love to see stuff like that, they like seeing that you are able to commit your time to something even though you were not getting paid; it shows that you can make a commitment and value. Many companies are looking for people like that because there are plenty of people who come to work for them and do not stay long. I do not blame them because everyone has a reason for leaving a job and such but for those looking for a job, this is a little plus for you. Especially when it comes to entry level jobs.
Those who have jobs and want to leave, leave. BUT, find another job first that you feel you may like because we need to pay bills out here and eat and feed our makeup addictions o.o
I never thought it would wise to just pick up your stuff and leave you job without having an idea of what you were going to do afterwards, If a better job is what you are looking for then look for a better one. When you find a better one then turn in your two weeks notice and leave peacefully and on a positive not. I always felt and know that when it comes to professional settings, the better you relationships are with people you work with, the better connections you create. Even if that position did not work out well, they may offer you something else even before you leave; you just never know.
Also those looking for jobs, talk to people around you. Talk to people in your classes, professors, the career center, you parents even, your friend's parents, TALK TO SOMEONE! I spoke with my co-workers and it helped me so much with gaining the confidence I needed to dive more into looking for a job and being more confident in actually finding one. It made everything that much more easier because I spoke with people whom I get along with very well therefore they are more than willing to help me. That's why it is always good to make friends because you never know what connections they may know and you never know when it can come in handy.
I feel that I must also point out that finding jobs and stuff like that is not the only reason why you should make friends,. We are all getting older and it is always good to make friends period; having a support system through life does make things much more fun and easier. I'm saying that because you made such great friendship and they see that you're in a pickle, they'd be more than happy to help you because you're friends and they're more than willing to do you a favor because they don't want to see you struggling, especially if they can help.
I will end things here!
This was good, I feel more and more comfortable with this and hopefully you guys are becoming more comfortable with me too.
Share with me some of your job hunting experiences and how it went for you. Also, don't be shy to leave comments, I want to read them. Thank you very much to those who show up to my blog and actually take the time to actually read my posts, I deeply appreciate it.
Alright, until next time, everyone, Remember To Smile and Take Care <3