Sunday, June 25, 2017

Different Writers

I wanted this post to be for writers like me. Writers who have been writing for a very long time, or even writers who have just started or who want to start writing, but has showed their work to barely anyone. Those writers who when they were growing up, they might not have had the best time in school or in any particular place they were at often that they can’t help but to hold onto just because they can’t forget. Any writer that was experiencing a tough time when they were older and felt that they wrote their best stuff at that time or they felt they could have written their best stuff at the time and didn’t. I am both. I feel like I have written some of my best stuff when I was a bullied child and teenager. I also feel I have written some of the darkest stuff at the time too. Some of the poems I had written, the place where it was written from, was in now an old file from my memory; that time in my life feels almost erased.

It was not very long ago now that I had gone back to my old writing in an older computer and some of the stuff was very dark, disturbing, and mainly concerning. I think what I was going through at the time showed and sadly I just never noticed because of the faith I had in myself.

I also think I had a very hard time transitioning from being bullied all the time by almost everyone in my classroom to no one at all. My mind had gotten so used to dealing with the harassment, the name calling, the pushing, the hurtful teasing, the belittling and humiliation; my mind had gotten so used to it that it thought it always had to happen because it always did. I still remember having a moment when I thought, “No one is going to bully me?...”

It’s beyond sad for a kid to be bullied so much that they thought it was weird when they weren’t being harassed in some way or form; what became their norm.

Despite everything I was going through at the time, for some reason, I never lost faith in myself or what I was capable of doing at the time. I felt if I did lose hope in myself, then I would have lost myself completely and who knows what else could have happened to me. I guess no matter how many people said they didn’t like me or didn't want to be around me, I showed myself, in a way, that I wanted to be with me and I should keep being around because who else was going to be with me aside from myself? There was no reason not to be my best company. I never noticed at the time but as I’m typing, I loved myself more than I have ever realized.

All of that before, I was able to put into my writing and now that I’m older, I wish I had written more.  Maybe I could have gotten over things faster if I had spent more time writing, if I was able to find a space where I felt I could truly be myself and not have any worries and just write.

I know there will always be people saying that writing is easy, it is just putting words down on paper but there is more beyond writing down some random words on random paper; this is a skill. Not everyone can write well but everyone can definitely write and it goes for almost every skill. Everyone can learn to cook but not everyone will cook well for example.

I know I went in a different direction with this post but we as writers want to bring our readers to a place they have been wanting to go. We want our readers to not only be entertained but to feel their emotions and to be comfortable with said emotions. We want our readers to have a good time and stay for the entire ride. Even if they may not like the ending that’s okay because some are not going to like the ending. Some people are going to hate the beginning and despite the middle and that is fine because they are reacting. It is so bad that they have to react and they have to tell people how bad it is. Similar with movies; they have to tell other people how bad it is. The more people talk about how bad our writing it, the more likely that there will be people who will go and read it for themselves our of sheer curiosity; to truly experience how bad our writing really is.

Then one day, we write something that is really good. Those people who went around saying our stuff was bad, is going to find that good piece of writing and will see how good it is. Those people still have us in mind even we really end up writing some terrible garbage. Once they see that the writing is not garbage, they may be so shocked that they like it so much that they have to go around telling the same friends that the person who used to right poorly is now writing some good shit and they have to tell everyone.

Some people say humans are mysteriously creatures. I disagree because as humans, we adapt to our surroundings in a short amount a time. With adaptions comes tendencies. We have a lot of tendencies and as writers, writers who want to become someone one day, I think it is important to use our tendencies to our advantages to find ways to get our stories out there to said people because when we think something is trash, we tell people. On the other side, when we think something is amazing, we never keep that sort of thing to ourselves. 

The title of my post is 'different writers' because that is who we are, different writers. We are not the same writers we were when we were kids, when we were teenagers, and not yesterday. I know it will not feel like it all the time but we are different writers and we will continue to develop. That is why it is important to continue to embrace our writing and trust in it. We wrote what we wrote for a reason.

So keep writing...

I will end things here. Everything I say here is merely a suggestion. No matter what I suggest, you can make the final decision in what you think is best for you. Please follow me on TWITTER @midnighthuee and share with me how long you've been writing and which genre is your favorite to write.

Smile. Try to do one good deed each day and until next time, Take Care <3

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