can be a huge drag for some including myself. I am not afraid to admit that when it comes to the whole dating scene, I do not have the best experiences. Not that I never had any good experiences because I have.
I think my mistake is that I do not let go enough and I can take things a bit too seriously when the whole dating thing is suppose to be enjoyable to some extent. I understand that some people are a lot like me in the sense where we know what we what in a companionship but the fact of the matter is, most people our age are trying to get their lives in order. Some are not looking for a relationship or anything in relation either because they rather be single and live life on their own which is also okay as well; some prefer to find themselves alone rather than in a relationship.
There is really nothing wrong with seeing and getting to know more than one person at a time because that isn't the time where things are serious yet; bare with me because I am the type to see one person at a time as well. While I know there are people who have no problem seeing multiple people and getting to know them at the same time. It isn't necessarily about keeping track or tabs on the people you're getting to know, it is simply that, you're getting to see who they are as a person.
I'm the type of person that I am very selective because I do not like wasting my time so I tend to gravitate towards people who I get a good vibe from but that's just me.
This also calls in for the whole guys and girls who "low key" have multiple people their talking to when there isn't anything wrong with that. Myself for example, if I am talking to multiple people and one guy gets upset with that, I know I wouldn't know how else to break it down to him than saying that no one is serious because no one has told me they wanted to be serious with me and I am doing nothing wrong by getting to know people. There is nothing wrong with meeting a few people, being a casual friend, going out on a date here and there and seeing what happens between the two of you.
I am also not saying to go out, meet a whole bunch of people at once and go on dates with all of them. It is okay to talk to one person at a time but also do not be too afraid to branch out here and there because it doesn't hurt to meet new people and just go out with them. So long as you know what you want and stay true to yourself and what your needs are and establish and communicate that to the other person, things should turn out alright for the most part even if you do not get what you want because at the end of the day, it is about getting what you need.
I have had many friends who have told me not to have all of my eggs in one basket in case things doesn't work out and we are in a time in our lives where things are more likely to not workout than to actually workout because not too many of us have our lives together and many people do not want to intertwine their lives with someone else's if they do not feel that their lives are settled enough which is reasonable, being fair and thoughtful of the other person as discouraging as it can be for some.
Dating is something that shouldn't be rushed and takes time, finding love takes time just like getting your life together, finding a well paying job, finally jump starting your career, moving out of your parent's place, or buying your first car; these are all things that shouldn't be rushed into because you are more likely to not find the one for you because you rushed into a commitment before testing the waters.
So don't rush to get into a relationship or to find a companionship because you will, it all takes time, don't give up hope especially is you're a fantastic person; everything will come back full circle one way or another.
Remember to always take a deep breath, drink tea, not too much caffeine, and hope for the best.
Follow me on TWITTER @midnighthuee
I know I mentioned about having a TUMBLR but I have definitely been slacking there but it's @midnighthuee as well for those who are interested. Don't be afraid to give me ideas on what you'd like me to write some suggestions on, I'd love to hear from you.
Until next time, Take Care <3
keep smiling.