I recently traveled and I ended up having a terrible time. The trip was so bad that it ended up affecting my mental health which was something I didn't think would occur; I always took myself to have great coping skills. My mental health journey is something that I decided to write about but I will when I am ready. I still do not feel like myself and I want to take my time with this and not beat myself up. All I want to do is to return to feeling like myself. As for now, enjoy this post and I apologize for being so late.
Rule number one to traveling is to travel with people you want to travel with, want to share a living space with and want to explore with. When you travel, you know there is going to be a lot of exploring.
Rule number one to traveling is to travel with people you want to travel with, want to share a living space with and want to explore with. When you travel, you know there is going to be a lot of exploring.
You should not be surprised at how fast a trip can go from mediocre to infuriating when you are traveling with people you do not want to be with and this includes family. Don't travel with family if they're too uptight when traveling and all they know is to bitch and complain about situations instead of taking some course of action. For example.
People who complain instead of actually doing something to fix an issue are not the people or person to travel with.
Traveling is suppose to be fun for everyone; something you can all share together. But everyone needs to play a role in ensuring that they're collectively have a good time.
Rule number too, make sure to get someone to double check everything you packed to make sure you do not forget anything. You can think you have everything and next thing you know, you forgot your phone charger and have to buy a new one when you get your destination. Good thing most of the world have plenty of shared technology.
I do not have many rules here aside from stressing not to go with people you think might turn out okay because you need to know things are going to be okay before hand.
I traveled with family, only one member, and it was practically a nightmare, again, I didn't learn from the first time. You never want to intentionally hurt anyone's feelings, including family but why go somewhere else to share a different living space if you're already annoyed in your actual home?
It was my mistake and I do not plan to travel with my family member next time. Saying again, my mistake.
If you get along with your family members enough to travel then by all means, go have a great time with your family. That sort of stuff does not apply to me and I want to have as much space as I can from my family.
Remember, there is nothing wrong with having space between your loved ones and there is nothing wrong with asking for some personal space from the person, not the actual relationship(s). Another thing I have to stress because some people break up from others thinking they need a break from the relationship when it was just the person, they just needed some them time and didn't know how to ask for it.
Just to play devil's advocate, if you ask for personal time for yourself and your partner has a problem with you having a day to yourself, then you should rethink things with your partner or have a serious talk with them because there is no big deal for you to go out shopping for the day or go to the gym for the day or even to have dinner with yourself. Some people enjoy solitude and there is nothing wrong with that. You can still have a thriving relationship with your partner and still have your personal time along with your partner having time to themselves as well.
I also do this and rant about things off topic but I can't help it, so many ideas.
But I will end things here for now and I hope you enjoyed this post. Please share it with your friends and leave me some constructive comments. Let me know how I'm doing.
But I will end things here for now and I hope you enjoyed this post. Please share it with your friends and leave me some constructive comments. Let me know how I'm doing.
Everything I say here is merely a suggestion. No matter what I suggest, you can make the final decision in what you think is best for you. Please follow me on TWITTER @midnighthuee and tell me what your dreams were when you were younger.
Smile. Try to do one good deed each day and until next time, Take Care <3