Hey everyone
I hope everyone’s week is going well.
Even if it isn’t, try to remember 5 good things that happened today or this week and notice that smile start to form. If your smile still doesn’t appear then think about bunnies because who doesn’t love bunnies. I should even include a few pictures of bunnies just for you guys to enjoy <3
I wanted this post to be about your dreams or even something that you are passionate about. This week at my job is career week for the girls and on Wednesday we had guest speakers come in. Considering that this is an all girl after school program we had women professionals come in to speak to the girls. We had one scientist who specializes in genetics and three architects.
It was so awesome to listen to these wonderful smart women and to hear about what they do for a living. It was super inspiration for me, a person who wants to help others and is still trying to figure out how exactly to do so. The issue for me is that I am very good at many things and I am not quite a master at anything yet. I am not saying to brag or anything but I am very adaptable to many environments so it is a matter of me picking what exactly I want to do and sticking to it.
These women are in very good places in their lives when it comes to their careers because they get to do something they love and also challenging. They have to to figure out problems that not just anyone can solve and I thought it was absolutely amazing and even though these professionals were here for the girls I took so much from their presentations too.
I wanted to talk about this because I know not a lot of people read my blog but this is something that I want to stick to because I want to be like those women, I want to solve problems that are challenging and I want to help those in need. I am telling you guys to do the same. I know everyone has some sort of dream(s), I know everyone has something that they are passionate about whether it is writing, reading, vlogging, blogging, making videos, animation, wrestling, makeup, video-games, medicine, art, fashion, whatever it is, go for it. My passion is writing but I wanted to do something a bit more practical that can help pay the bills and such but writing isn’t going to go anywhere for me; it will always be there with me. I am doing psychology because it is something I fell in love with and I am very thankful for psychology because I discovered so much about myself through studying psychology. I am here being able to write out my words for others to see because of psychology so many thanks to psychology.
Do not give up on your dreams and do not give up on your passions. There will always be people who tell you that you cannot do something because they do not see you doing it but if you see yourself doing it then you can. The first step to success is envisioning your success. I am telling you because I listened to three stories of three women who knew they wanted to become an architect and they did it. The scientist also spoke a little about herself and how she got to where she is and none of them talked about the people who told them no. They talked about going towards their goals and what they wanted to do with themselves and everyone reading this should do the same. Set goals of where you want to be and work towards it. Also, be friendly.
You will be surprised of where you will end up when you are friendly towards others. I promise you because I have made many friends just from being myself and being a nice and friendly person. Next thing I knew, I'm being told about volunteer opportunities, telling me about where to get a job or offering to meet with other people because they feel that I should be networking with that person. These are things that I never thought could happen to me especially how I grew up but being myself, being a nice person and easy to talk to have gotten me pretty far and I will only keep going forward. That is why I stress to be yourself because that is how you are going to meet the people who are meant to come and stay in your lives. Keep in mind though that it does take time. I remember telling one of my girls who is struggling to find friends that I did not find my best friends until I turned 16. I had another best friend prior but we grew apart. As sad as that is, that is life and it happens but what matters is what you do and not staying in that moment because everything waiting for you is in the future and present, not your past.
Dream your dreams, set your realistic goals one step at time, smile, and be yourself.
I am going to stop here.
I am still not sure if you guys, those who read my blah blog, are able to leave comments. If you are then leave your comments below, tell me how I’m doing.
I also have a twitter account where you guys can follow me and leave me comments there too. That way, I can know how you guys are doing and give me ideas on what to write about.
Until next time. Take care <3
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