Thursday, April 7, 2016

BirchBox Review for April!

Hello everyone! It's that time of the month again; makeup reviews! 

I love doing these and I intend to get better at these because I love talking about great cosmetics. I just got my box from birchbox today which was perfect timing because I'm still going through a writer's block and did not know what I can talk about with you guys so this was more than perfect. First! I need to talk about this box design because it is heavenly to me. I love, love, love floral patterns. I am a huge fan so anytime I see a great floral pattern I am just swooned. The box was actually designed by Riffle Paper Company so this was a super cutesy collab and Birchbox members get a 20% off coupon for Riffle Paper so go check that out!
Now for inside the box. The first product I want to talk a little about is this Ol All in One Milk spray which I instantly fell. in. love. with. The smell of this product is so good I kept running my finger through my hair and touching my hair over and over; I couldn't stop touching or smell my hair. It has been about two hours since I put the spray and I still smell it and I love it so much. The price for a full size is $30 for those who are interested. I know it is on the pricey side but if you're into something that is great for adding volume, shine, detangling, which is a plus for my because my hair gets tangled very easily, and has a heat protectant, then this product is for you. This is actually wonderful timing because I was just running out of a heat protectant spray. I cannot stop talking about the scent because it is just right, not too strong or too faint, it smells fresh and airy almost. Clearly, very milky but in a great way. Birchbox also included the shampoo and conditioner that I would have tried if I have not already washed my hair this week. I will try it out next week and let you guys know what I thought of it.

Next! We have this wonderful clay mask, purifying 2-in-1 from derma e that I liked very deeply because my face feels so soft, not dried out and as I was rinsing it off my face, it even felt moisturized so I was very surprised about that. I know not all clay masks are made that same which is why it is important to do your research and look around for a clay mask that may be good for you. This one does have charcoal in it which is becoming very popular and with reason. With this mask, you apply a generous amount to your face and of course, be careful with them beautiful eyes when applying. You leave this one for 5 minutes or when it dries completely and rinse with warm or lukewarm water. If you want, you can wet it and gently rub it on your face if you want to exfoliate which I did and loved. So if you want to try a charcoal face mask, I suggest this one. Also keep in mind that you do have to do your masks 1-2 times a week and the full size is $19.50.

Next up is Marcelle's 3-in-1 Micellar Solution. The full size of this is $21. This is a makeup remover to put into simpler terms and a toner; great for sensitive skin too. It has calming ingredients to settle down your upset skin. I tried it when I put on the lip tar to see if there would a struggle to remove it since when it comes to matte lipsticks or stains it is known to be a struggle but with this product there was none; completely took off the lip tar which I was extremely happy about. I know I am like everyone else who struggles to remove anything matte so to have this makes me very happy. Plus, I used toilet paper because I was lazy to go back into my room to get a cotton ball and it still worked wonderfully. I recommend this for those who don't want the struggle to remove makeup and still having a toner to sooth your skin. Ponds makeup remover wipes are also great which can be found at any pharmacy or makeup supply store for about $3.99 or $4.99 if I remember correctly.

Next is this Lip Tar from Obsessive Compulsive Cosmetics. The full size is $16.I have never heard of this brand and now know about it because of BirchBox and I can say that I was very disappointed with the shade given to me because I have a tan almost caramel skin tone and I was given a bright pink tone called Femme. The product itself felt and looked very dry since it is matte. I probably would have to find my space with it and look more into the brand and their products because I went to their website to took a look at their products and I loved what I saw. I would say give the brand and their product a shot because just because it didn't work out well with me the first time does not mean it won't work out at all. Keep in mind, I also put on too much at the time when you are suppose to only put a dab on your lips so enjoy!

Last but definitely not least, Juliette Has a Gun brand with their perfume, not a perfume. I. love. this. I put it on over two hours ago and I still smell it. I love this scent so much that if I could afford this, I would buy it in a heartbeat. The small bottle is $100 and the bigger size is $135 so it is pricey. For those who can afford it, I say definitely go for it because this is a great scent. It is very soft and slightly earthy, almost on the musky side which I deeply enjoy. I love musky perfumes because it makes me want to shove my face into it especially when it's not too strong which this perfume is not. I imagined a guy wearing this perfume and just shoving my face into his shirt because that's how good I find it to smell. I highly recommend this even though it is on the pricey side of the spectrum. It does not hurt to look around on Amazon or eBay or department stores to try to find this for a cheaper price. I always encourage bargain hunting :D

And that is all five products that I got in my box and my favorite is the milk spray. That wonderful milk spray. I still smell it in my hair and it's just so good, too good. I highly recommend it because of the smell alone, I think I am getting better with this and with the timing. Clearly I like birchbox a bit more than IPSY but IPSY still have plenty to off, don't judge of my bias. 

I will end things here, please comment on my TWITTER and TUMBLR @Midnighthuee and leave comments here too! Let me know if any of you readers have tried these products, any product from birchbox, any you like and tell us how that went for you and what you think =)

Let me know how I'm doing, what you guys like, and what you guys would want me to write about in the future; I'd love to hear what you guys have to say so don't be shy.

Everyone have a great day, don't forget to flash you mouth bones, and Take Care <3

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