This is a question that many of us in our early 20's are asking ourselves on a weekly, if not, a daily basis. I know I continue to ask myself this question because I still don't have the answer(s). I don't have the answer because I haven't found it yet.
I don't know what I am suppose to be doing with myself but for now I know I still want to keep working in the psychological field; that is how I know I want to keep helping others. The reason I want to help others is because I have gone through my struggles and I know how much it sucks and how it can take its toil on the human mind and body.
The only difference with me is that I have been able to overcome each obstacle that I have came across. I refused to let it become or define me. I know I am much more than a sad life situation.
The problem is, not everyone has that mentality. Many people give up the first time they fail because they feel like a loser. They become convinced that they are a loser and amount to nothing so why even bother. Overall, they fail and thus give up on themselves.
I know many other people are reading this and thinking, "you get up." "You keep trying." "You're not suppose to give up after failing just once." That attitude was learned, not everyone knows how to keep going, not everyone knows that they don't give up. There are people who learn that after a failure or failures that they should give up, why bother? You're shit.
There are people who are constantly or often told that they are shit and amount to nothing; that they're losers. It pisses me off because no one deserves to be spoken to in such a way when all they did was try. That is something we are all doing; trying.
Society in American continues to tell young people that we should have our entire lives 'put together' by age 25 or else we're losers.
I beg to differ because no other person is exactly the same nor has the exact same life or lifestyle as the person next to them. It is fair from fair to assume that millions of people will have their lives together by a certain age, it's physically impossible to have so many people have stables lives around the same time. It's also psychologically impossible because of everyone's different mindsets.
I could go on all day with this. My point is, as I may have mentioned before, don't be so hard on yourself. I beg you. I used to be terrible with myself, I was the hardest people on myself. I was literally the only person putting an immense amount of pressure to be 'something' when no one has ever came to me and told me I'm a loser, do something with myself. No one thinks am I loser, no one thinks that I'm going to overall fail. Everyone I continue to meet actually has faith in me and it's a shame that I don't have as much faith in myself as a person who barely knows me does.
Have more faith in yourself. I promise you, those who feel like they are worthless, losers, whatever, you are not. You are probably the most giving, caring, and thoughtful person as you can be. You are going to keep growing, you are growing a little every second that passes. You are not the same person today as you were yesterday.
As we get older, we get lost in our everyday lives and errands. There is nothing wrong with having a reminder of how great you are and how great you are doing with yourself. You are. Keep going. It's cliche to say, "stay positive." It works long-term though.
If I didn't stay positive when I wasn't working, who knows what would happen. People who continue to be negative with themselves don't see the good because good cannot live without bad so their is always something good with something bad. You honestly have to push yourself and yes it will hurt. Without any effort, you will not get results. You have to push to gain results.
I'm going to end things here. Please leaves you thoughts in comment section below, tell me how you're feeling. Follow me on TWITTER @midnighthuee and leave me comments there.
Remember to smile not just for others who may be having a bad day but to remind yourself how good you are. Until next time, Take Care <3
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