Monday, March 27, 2017


Okay everyone, this one is going to be a toughy because everyone has different relationships and everyone may have a different definition for relationships.

I wanted to touch on this topic a bit because I am dealing with what feels like a bunch of emotional stuff right now and channeling it somewhere productive could help with organizing it.

But I'm confident that we can all agree on having a healthy relationship is extremely important.

So what does a healthy relationship look like? I'm asking this to get you thinking so that you can pay attention to the first thing(s) that comes to mind for you. Some people might automatically think about romantic relationships when I am talking about all types of relationships we have.

I know when we hear the word relationship, we automatically think of a romantic one because we were programmed by our society to automatically think about romantic relationships when we have and will have so many different kinds of relationships. We need to be considering our other relationships because they're important to our everyday living; it's creates a sense of peace when you have a healthy relationship with everyone around us that we see on a daily or weekly basis.

Starting with our parents, that is the first real relationship we have. It is very important because that is the first relationship we develop in life. I know, right off the bat, that everyone does not have the best relationship with their parents or even have one with their parents. I think it is important to be aware of what kind of relationship is there and to accept it as is and don't let it ruin you future relationships because everyone is different. That is factual. You can and will meet someone you can have a healthy relationship with even if you didn't start with one.

Relationships with your friends are the next kind we will encounter when you start school or however early our parents were having us interacting with other kids. Most of the time, more deeper friendships start to form however we start our education. Since we were very young we are taught how to interact with other people our age and how to speak with them; how to have a conversation with another human being.

I know a lot of people might not pay too much mind to this but our environment(s) does play a role in how we interact with other people. As we get older and head to different schools, some people interact how they usually do with some but some might switch things up depending on where they are and who is it specifically that they're conversing with. An example is how high school boys are with their male friends and how different they may interact with a female friend if he is interested in her romantically. Those three relationships that one high school boy has are very different from one another. The relationship he has with the boys in his life are different than the women he has in his life along with both of those relationships being different than the one he has with the girl he is romantically interested in. Nonetheless, all three of those relationships matters because it shows a part of his trail through life.

The third kind of relationship, the romantic one, is one that can occur at anything throughout our lives. 

Here I am going to start point out what healthy relationships include across the board.

Communication. We were taught since we were really young how to talk to one another about what we are thinking and how we feel. Learning how to listen is very important because you want to give the other person time to express themselves and also for them to feel comfortable enough to speak their thoughts and emotions. We also learn how to express ourselves in a way that the other person can understand what we are trying to express and why we feel and think the way we do.

Growing with each other. When all go through phases throughout life. Even when we are adults, we are still learning about things everyday and we continue to find ourselves. It is important to be with people who realizes that we do not finish growing when we become adults. Our habits and how we view the world changes a little everyday. Therefore, we change a little everyday. When our friends support us with however we want to change our appearance for example, it helps us find ourselves much sooner rather than later. I know I appreciate my friends for accepting me when I started wearing makeup more and supporting any new hobby I recently discovered because it makes me feel that much more complete and comfortable in myself even if I might switch things up next month.

Spending time together. I know this is an obvious one but it's called quality time, not quantity time for a reason. You can spend a lot of time with someone but if you do not feel your relationships growing, if you do not feel like you're learning more about the other person then that might not be the person for you. There are some people who are just fine with doing the same thing with the people in their lives everyday but others are not. Some people truly feel if they cannot learn from the people in their lives, they do not want to interact with them much. This includes going out to museums for example, anywhere they can learn something new. Having in-depth conversations about topics related to social constructs and current events for example can help broaden our horizons too.

Those are three main qualities everyone should search for in any relationship because you want to feel comfortable in all of your relationships enough to be yourself. You also want the other person to feel the same way to; you want them to be comfortable enough that when they do need something or just want to talk about their day to you, that they feel more than welcome to come to talk with you and vis-versa. 

I will end things here. Finding healthy relationships might be hard to find but once you do find people who love you for you and encourages you to be the best version of yourself, hold on tight because it's going to be a wonderful ride. Everything I say here is just a suggestion hence the name of my blog. Please follow me on TWITTER @midnighthuee and tell me about your enriching relationships.

Smiling helps your body feel more happier compared to when you are frowning. Try to do a good deed each day and until next time, Take Care <3

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