I wanted to take this time out to thank those who have been here from the beginning, those who are still here supporting my blog and my writing. You don't know how much it truly means to me and I do my best to keep up with everything, continue to write as often as I can and to put out as much as I can. I really want my writing to reach those in need for them to know they are not alone; there are people out there who care.
I wanted to also say that if you felt like your year was uneventful, it's probably not true; just think about it a little more. When I say that I mean bonding with friends more is eventful, going back to school, a promotion at work, getting a video game you've been waiting for a long time, your physical and mental health improved, all of these things are eventful. In order for something to be eventful, it does not necessarily have to be this big and grandiose event. Appreciate the little things too.
Time is a human construct in order to feel some form of control over their lives. Which I can understand but I don't want others to put so much attention on the year ending and beginning. I prefer everyone to continue to focus on ourselves and doing what we need and want to do. There is a better place waiting for us and we should be working hard and striving to get there as soon as we can but we don't have to rush to get there.
All that aside, use this time however as you see fit; do what you have to do in order to feel comfortable with the new year. One of my close friends spent the day cleaning so that she could start the new year with a clean room. I thought it was pretty cool since I never thought to do that. When it came to me, I tend to go think about who I am, who I want to be and how I can head towards that road to becoming a better me. I don't like going into the new year with expectations because that is how I set myself up for disappointment. I want to go into things with no expectations and take things as they come.
As for the goals I had and completed, I exercised more, read more and learned to love myself more which is more than amazing to me. Those were things I didn't think I would accomplish as soon as I did and I'm more than proud of myself. Even if you didn't complete your goals yet, you should still feel very proud because you're still working towards it. My suggestion for most people is to not focus so much on when you become successful; you probably already are. Focus on you and your loved ones; keep doing what you're doing because you're doing great. Don't worry about the negative things some people will say because people are always going to talk. Ignore them and focus on those who are supporting you because they want to see you continue to succeed. Focus on your mind, your body and your spirit and those around you. Listen to your body, do not neglect it. Do what you have to do in order to stay fine, healthy and fight those who dare to get in the way of your health or your loved one's overall health.
Side note, I remember finding an image that said to write down all of the good stuff that happens to you throughout the year and putting them all in a jar. That way, at the end of the year, you can read them and read about how great your year was. That resonated with me and it is something I am considering to do. Some pretty harsh things ended up happening to me this year and it mostly had to deal with my mental health. It felt like a long road but I'm very fortunate that things went the way that they did.
I wanted to fill this post with inspiration, realism and to encourage everyone to keep being themselves, keep loving your loved ones as hard as you can, be kind, hold onto your mannerisms and keep focusing on what creates your joy. Give back some of the joy when the time comes. It doesn't cost a thing to give kindness and be kind to someone to help them smile. Keep loving yourself and continue to be understanding with yourself and give yourself all the time you need. If you keep working hard, you will get rewarded when you least expect it; just keep being you.
I'm going to end things here and I hope everyone keeps heading forward for their better future. Don't worry about the time, you're doing great. Keep going. Keep fighting and go into the year as a positive force.
I wanted to fill this post with inspiration, realism and to encourage everyone to keep being themselves, keep loving your loved ones as hard as you can, be kind, hold onto your mannerisms and keep focusing on what creates your joy. Give back some of the joy when the time comes. It doesn't cost a thing to give kindness and be kind to someone to help them smile. Keep loving yourself and continue to be understanding with yourself and give yourself all the time you need. If you keep working hard, you will get rewarded when you least expect it; just keep being you.
I'm going to end things here and I hope everyone keeps heading forward for their better future. Don't worry about the time, you're doing great. Keep going. Keep fighting and go into the year as a positive force.
I also have my WATTPAD account where my stories live in case those may be interested in reading my creative writing. I appreciate the support deeply and truly.
Take everything I say with a grain of salt because you know yourself best. You do.
Smile : ) Try to do one good deed each day and until next time, Take Care <3
And, Happy New Year, Everyone. Let's have a great year together <3

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