Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Our Holidays.

Christmas has passed and I hope everyone who does celebrate Christmas had a fantastic Christmas and Christmas Eve with all their loved ones. Despite 2016 not feeling like the best year, this year with my family turned out smoothly compared to previous years. I actually had fun this time around which usually does not happen so hooray for that! 

I titled my post "our holidays" because as some may or may not know, Christmas is not the only holiday that is celebrated during this month. Since November actually, many holidays have been celebrated and are still being celebrated. I think it's quite wonderful to imagine all the enriching holidays that happened and are currently going on. I keep thinking about some holidays that are about a week long and I keep thinking what a wonderful end to the year; sharing and giving presents to the ones you love. I know some people may look at it as a financial issue but just because it is the time to share and give does not mean that it is the time to break a hole in your wallet. 

I usually buy my Christmas gifts in advance and buy all of them during Black Friday or Cyber Monday when a lot of gift worthy items are on sale. I even get to buy myself a little something. That's just an example though of how little you could spend on thoughtful gifts. You could spend one dollar on a gift so long as it was thoughtful and it is something you really want to give to someone you care about. Giving a gift is not about how expensive it is. It really is about how thoughtful it is, bringing joy and cheer as cliche as it sounds.

I ended up buying my niece a rainbow backpack from forever 21 for about $25.00 and she loved it. I didn't expect her to like it as much as she does but I put a lot of time into finding her a gift that I hoped she'd like. Not too bad and I know some people can't afford that but I ended up buy some scarves for about $5.00. Around this time of year I usually buy my loved ones items such as hats, scarves, mittens, gloves, legs warmers, and thermos because it's winter in NYC and who doesn't need anything that will keep them warm!? Even if they already have a descent amount, it doesn't hurt to have more socks or hats. They are simple gifts but it really is the thought that counts.

Also, if there are holidays that you don't know about, now is the time to learn. There are events going on in NYC to learn more about Kwanzaa and Hanuka. If you don't have a friend who is celebrates Hanuka or Kwanzaa, just do a simple Google search. It never hurts to learn more than what you knew yesterday.

Also, this is also the time of year where people tend to feel more lonely because they may not have many people in their lives so do a good deed. Talk to someone, don't be afraid to put yourself out there, volunteer, listen to an elder neighbor's stories or give a gift to a person you see is less fortunate. Kindness is free and contagious.

I'm going to end things here and apologize for basically not being active. My computer has not been as great as I need it to be to be more active on my blog as before. I do have my blog in mind and I do intend to become more consistent with it especially now since I have been experiencing less writer's block. I just need to figure out which day to post every week. I do intend to start off by only posting once a week and if I feel like I can post more than I'll go back to my twice a week even though I doubt twice a week becoming a thing again because of how fast I got writer's block and I wouldn't want that to happen again anytime too soon.

Please follow me on TWITTER @midnighthuee and tell me what you guys think, tell me how you're feeling and how your day is. Sharing can go a long way. I also post positive mantras that could be a nice pick me up so doesn't hurt to check it out.

Flash a stranger a nice smile even if you break eye contact. Try to do something good today and don't forget that you are wonderful. Until next time. Take care <3

Monday, December 5, 2016

We all struggle.

Clearly, we all have our struggles no matter where we are in life. Unfortunately, there are people who struggle more than others and that is something I wish I could figure out why. There are people out there who are so beautiful in the inside but struggle to make ends meet, struggle to find food for dinner or even struggle to shower to keep clean. It isn't fair that some people in our world have to struggle too much for things we all should have like a roof over our heads.

Some are quick to say that struggling builds character which is true, it does build character and can make a person stronger. I can't help but think that there are people who have struggled enough and shouldn't have to struggle anymore. I do believe in enough is enough for some. There are some people who genuinely can't take such turmoil. In this situation, I always think about the people who end up ending their lives because they couldn't take it anymore, enough was enough for them. Yes, it is our reality and it does make me sound naiive but it isn't fair that some end up taking away their lives because they're going through such a pain that they don't know how to make go away.

There are very gorgeous people on the inside on this earth who can do wonderful things for themselves and the people around there if they are given just one opportunity, just one.

The good thing is that those who are going through some type of struggle is not alone. I'm sorry you feel you have to go to the internet to find some relief instead of in your everyday living but it is better than nothing I can say with confidence. I ended up finding one of my best friends through the internet and we are still best friends until this very day and I love her deeply; she's always there for me when I need her most and willing to sacrifice things for me as I would for her.

You are not alone, You have friends somewhere, there is someone somewhere who will listen to you, there is someone who wants to be there for you to make sure you are okay, you are fed, and that you sleep well tonight.

We all struggle but we will not struggle forever although it may feel like forever, Before we know it, it's the future and everything gradually became better. The future comes whether we want it to or not or even if we're ready for it. The future will come and I believe the future is more likely to be better if you want it to be better. 

Never give up on yourself, you are greater than you think you may be on some days.

On that note, I will end things here.

Please follow me on TWITTER @midnighthuee and leave me comments about what you think I should make a post about, don't be shy. Please let me know how I'm doing, I am curious and care about what you guys think, even if it's just one person, I want that person to feel that they could come to my blog and feel some sort of relief.

Have a great day. Smile. Until next time, Take care <3

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Keep Pushing Forward.

This is a question that many of us in our early 20's are asking ourselves on a weekly, if not, a daily basis. I know I continue to ask myself this question because I still don't have the answer(s). I don't have the answer because I haven't found it yet. 

I don't know what I am suppose to be doing with myself but for now I know I still want to keep working in the psychological field; that is how I know I want to keep helping others. The reason I want to help others is because I have gone through my struggles and I know how much it sucks and how it can take its toil on the human mind and body. 

The only difference with me is that I have been able to overcome each obstacle that I have came across. I refused to let it become or define me. I know I am much more than a sad life situation.

The problem is, not everyone has that mentality. Many people give up the first time they fail because they feel like a loser. They become convinced that they are a loser and amount to nothing so why even bother. Overall, they fail and thus give up on themselves. 

I know many other people are reading this and thinking, "you get up." "You keep trying." "You're not suppose to give up after failing just once." That attitude was learned, not everyone knows how to keep going, not everyone knows that they don't give up. There are people who learn that after a failure or failures that they should give up, why bother? You're shit. 

There are people who are constantly or often told that they are shit and amount to nothing; that they're losers. It pisses me off because no one deserves to be spoken to in such a way when all they did was try. That is something we are all doing; trying. 

Society in American continues to tell young people that we should have our entire lives 'put together' by age 25 or else we're losers. 

I beg to differ because no other person is exactly the same nor has the exact same life or lifestyle as the person next to them. It is fair from fair to assume that millions of people will have their lives together by a certain age, it's physically impossible to have so many people have stables lives around the same time. It's also psychologically impossible because of everyone's different mindsets. 

I could go on all day with this. My point is, as I may have mentioned before, don't be so hard on yourself. I beg you. I used to be terrible with myself, I was the hardest people on myself. I was literally the only person putting an immense amount of pressure to be 'something' when no one has ever came to me and told me I'm a loser, do something with myself. No one thinks am I loser, no one thinks that I'm going to overall fail. Everyone I continue to meet actually has faith in me and it's a shame that I don't have as much faith in myself as a person who barely knows me does.

Have more faith in yourself. I promise you, those who feel like they are worthless, losers, whatever, you are not. You are probably the most giving, caring, and thoughtful person as you can be. You are going to keep growing, you are growing a little every second that passes. You are not the same person today as you were yesterday. 

As we get older, we get lost in our everyday lives and errands. There is nothing wrong with having a reminder of how great you are and how great you are doing with yourself. You are. Keep going. It's cliche to say, "stay positive." It works long-term though. 

If I didn't stay positive when I wasn't working, who knows what would happen. People who continue to be negative with themselves don't see the good because good cannot live without bad so their is always something good with something bad. You honestly have to push yourself and yes it will hurt. Without any effort, you will not get results. You have to push to gain results.

I'm going to end things here. Please leaves you thoughts in comment section below, tell me how you're feeling. Follow me on TWITTER @midnighthuee and leave me comments there.

Remember to smile not just for others who may be having a bad day but to remind yourself how good you are. Until next time, Take Care <3

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Maybe not meant for you?

I have been pushing myself a lot as of late and when I mean as of late, I meant most of this year because I felt that I had something to prove. In actuality, I have nothing to prove to anyone and I certainly do not have to prove that I can find a better job, maintain it, and make a living for myself over time. I felt I had to because I officially graduated from college and it did not hit me until I was at my actual graduation when I thought I would not be; I didn't want to walk but then I remembered that I promised my past self that I would, keep you promises even the ones to yourself, you'll thank yourself later for it.

Ever since I finished my last semester of school last year around the Christmas season, I felt that I had to start working right after; right after 4-5 years of college, talk about insane mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually. It due to the country I live in, our society and how things can be. I am lucky enough that I have parents who are more than willing to help me until I make a better living for myself and they genuinely do not want me to push myself to hard; they barely get to see me as is. They do not get to see me too often because I set it up that way, I love my parents but some relationships need more space than others and my relationship with both my parents require plenty of space in order to work. I still felt though, that as soon as I was officially done with college, I should start working and that was what I did and I was happy with that. 

I was able to find a part-time job before I started my last semester as I have mentioned before in previous posts and things were going very well, I really liked working at my last job but now I have a new job. I am still a tutor and I continue to find new likes that I was never aware of. As I also may have mentioned, there was a point this year when I was not working and it did effect me; that is a story for another possible post. One night at my new job, I had a 7th grader who writes like an elementary school child. Even though it was late, I was more than willing to take as much time as possible to ensure that his writing improved even if it was by a tiny smidgen. I think it is because of how much I love writing that I am more than willing to teach someone else how to write as well as they want to. I understand that writing is not for everyone but I know everyone can improve over time; you will not write the same way you wrote a year ago with some form of practice.

Onto the main idea of this post, I loved working at my last job but some events pushed me to find another job, whether it be two part-time jobs or a full-time, I felt it was time to go and I was feeling that way for quite some time. Now at my current job, I continue to feel as if these jobs are internships and I figured it is because I'm not being challenged enough. Even though I feel that way, I do have some challenges here and there with myself and figuring out what I really want to do with myself and what I feel is better for me. I always wanted to be a doctor and I might still end up being a doctor but not a medical doctor how I originally thought. Now I am even starting to change my mind about previous plans such as wanting to go for a doctoral in psychology to a PhD because it looks like I do like and might even enjoy teaching people younger than myself.

I have never taught people my age or older because I am not comfortable with the idea but it might happen one day because I do not know how I am going to end up teaching in the future even though I want to continue to work with children therapeutically.

What I am trying to say is that there are some things meant for you and even if you think it is meant for you it might not be and that's great. I am not 100% happy with where I am in life right now and that is causing me to push myself too hard when I shouldn't be because it isn't as if I'm homeless scavenging for food; I have a warm place to live, food, clothes on my back and internet access so clearly I am more than okay. I have to my personal realization that for the most part, everything is more than okay and they will get better. Clearly this form of living is not for me because I believe everything in my life will change over time, everything that is going on now is definitely temporary because you will naturally outgrow of it and you won't notice at first until a good amount of time has passed and that does not have to be a scary thought at all. The things that will remain that same are the best things for you and even then those things and people will change because everything develops and changed naturally and it is normally in the best way.

Don't worry too much about that person you're crushing so hard on because multiple things can happen but only the best thing for you will happen in the end no matter how long it takes. Try not to be so hard on yourself like how I'm being because you are only causing stagnation such as how I've been causing so of course we aren't going to move forward until we fully accept where we are and reassure ourselves that it is more than okay. I never thought I'd be here last year and even if I'm not 100% happy, I am still pretty damn happy with where I am and you should too with whatever you have. You have your computer, you favorite sweater, you best friends that you've been friends with for 4 years, that cup of coffee or tea you had today, someone cute person spoke to you today or picked up something you dropped for you and you made sexy eye contact, anything, learn to become happier because it was yours. It is yours forever and no one can take your experiences away.

The next time you think something might not be for you, it probably isn't because something better is for you, just gotta look for it or be more patient when you can't find it right away, something is going to come; everyday is a learning experience.

I will leave things here! I know I have not written anything in about two months but as I have been going through a lot of things this past summer that caused me to walk away from my blog without informing anyone and I deeply apologize for that, to those who actually took the time out to read the posts of this blog. I want to slowly come back to this because my writing juices have been flowing and I want to take full advantage.

Please follow me on Twitter @midnightuee and please leave a comment hear and there. Also leave me comments here too and tell me about your day, don't be shy. Also, these are my thoughts on life situations that I am currently experiencing or just my personal opinion(s) on whatever I end up writing about, I know most people may take something I say to heart but don't, I do not know your officially thoughts and opinions so all that I do ask is to take my posts as suggestions or don't, whichever floats your boat the most. Hence the new name of my blog Suggestion Box which I am IN LOVE with and I am very happy with this change. It might not be super original but oh well. Hello again to those who might have missed me posting stuff, doubt it highly, but hello again everyone.

Smile towards a stranger because you never know whose day you can make better and until next time, Take Care <3

Monday, July 4, 2016

Interacting with other individuals.

I know many of you will look at the title and probably heavily sigh the same way I did right before typing this post. Or maybe your smiling at the title because you've been meeting wonderful people as of late and that's more than wonderful.

Sadly, I have been getting my fill of crappy people or people who think they do not need to do some growing. We all need to grow and we will all never stop growing, never stop developing into a better version of ourselves. There are just some people, in my opinion, whom I've caught when there are the crappy version of themselves which is common at my age group (20's) and I am starting to see more of it considering the season. 

I am only 23 years old and I know there is so much for me to learn and boy am I learning as I keep going. I still have no job at the moment and it is a deep bummer for me because I love working, that is where I shine most of the time in my opinion. I say more of the time because I know if I am not feeling well emotionally, I won't be able to perform as well as I would if I was feeling alright. 

One thing my mentor has told me on more than one occasion is that I have to learn how to be able to leave my personal life behind me when I go to work and vise versa. I had no idea how difficult it would be the older I become. When I was younger and interacted with less people, it was much simpler to be able to put all that stuff behind me when I'm working on something. Now that I am older, some of these interacts makes me deeply think about how and why people do and say the things that they do and feel that they can justify it. I had a guy recently call me boring because I'm not into meeting someone to just have intercourse with them and that is disrespectful to me because I respected the fact that he is just looking for that, someone to not be serious with and just have intercourse with whenever possible, that's fine. Going out of your way to say I'm boring because that isn't my thing is plain disrespectful and rude. This all happened on Tindr by the way. I swear, I haven't been on Tindr long but I can definitely write a book at this point.

No one should take Tindr too seriously but do not forget that on the other side is another human being so at least be nice. If it doesn't seem to be heading a certain direction, just bid your goodbyes and unmatch each other, no need to be rude or disrespectful for whatever reason.

Online interactions and offline interactions are two different things and a lot of people fail to see that considering they think they can feel all they're going to feel due to growing up in the era of technology. You're not going to feel how you think you are going to feel, seeing a person in person instead of through an electronic device is different. You feel way more sensations and emotions in person than through your tablet and a lot of people keep forgetting about that and it is just saddening. You can't hold hands through your phone, you can't threaten to roundhouse kick someone properly through a device; it just isn't the same therefore you are not going to feel the same in both scenarios.

When it comes to these sorts of interactions and such there is only so much one ( I ) can do except to cut your loses and to continue to hope for the best. Those who are reading this and have been meeting great people, wonderful, keep trying to spend some time with them and see where you friendship may lead. Those who have been interacting with crappy people lately such as myself, eat a piece of chocolate or something savory, watch TV, playing a video and do not fret too long over this stuff because you are a wonderful human being inside and out. Sadly, we cannot say that about everyone and we are going to meet some pretty bad people. What matters is to tell the difference from good and bad so that you can get rid of the bad people as soon as possible.

I am finished with my rant.

Please follow me on TWITTER @midnighthuee and tell me what you want me to write about or give me some suggestions or even tell me a book to read to season. Leave me a comment so that I can tell you to have a great day :) 

Until next time, Take Care <3

Be kind to yourself and others but don't be afraid to speak your mind when you are being disrespected because that shouldn't slide; do your best to speak up for yourself, it will feel empowering.

Wednesday, June 29, 2016


can be a huge drag for some including myself. I am not afraid to admit that when it comes to the whole dating scene, I do not have the best experiences. Not that I never had any good experiences because I have.

I think my mistake is that I do not let go enough and I can take things a bit too seriously when the whole dating thing is suppose to be enjoyable to some extent. I understand that some people are a lot like me in the sense where we know what we what in a companionship but the fact of the matter is, most people our age are trying to get their lives in order. Some are not looking for a relationship or anything in relation either because they rather be single and live life on their own which is also okay as well; some prefer to find themselves alone rather than in a relationship.

There is really nothing wrong with seeing and getting to know more than one person at a time because that isn't the time where things are serious yet; bare with me because I am the type to see one person at a time as well. While I know there are people who have no problem seeing multiple people and getting to know them at the same time. It isn't necessarily about keeping track or tabs on the people you're getting to know, it is simply that, you're getting to see who they are as a person.

I'm the type of person that I am very selective because I do not like wasting my time so I tend to gravitate towards people who I get a good vibe from but that's just me.

This also calls in for the whole guys and girls who "low key" have multiple people their talking to when there isn't anything wrong with that. Myself for example, if I am talking to multiple people and one guy gets upset with that, I know I wouldn't know how else to break it down to him than saying that no one is serious because no one has told me they wanted to be serious with me and I am doing nothing wrong by getting to know people. There is nothing wrong with meeting a few people, being a casual friend, going out on a date here and there and seeing what happens between the two of you. 

I am also not saying to go out, meet a whole bunch of people at once and go on dates with all of them. It is okay to talk to one person at a time but also do not be too afraid to branch out here and there because it doesn't hurt to meet new people and just go out with them. So long as you know what you want and stay true to yourself and what your needs are and establish and communicate that to the other person, things should turn out alright for the most part even if you do not get what you want because at the end of the day, it is about getting what you need.

I have had many friends who have told me not to have all of my eggs in one basket in case things doesn't work out and we are in a time in our lives where things are more likely to not workout than to actually workout because not too many of us have our lives together and many people do not want to intertwine their lives with someone else's if they do not feel that their lives are settled enough which is reasonable, being fair and thoughtful of the other person as discouraging as it can be for some.

Dating is something that shouldn't be rushed and takes time, finding love takes time just like getting your life together, finding a well paying job, finally jump starting your career, moving out of your parent's place, or buying your first car; these are all things that shouldn't be rushed into because you are more likely to not find the one for you because you rushed into a commitment before testing the waters.

So don't rush to get into a relationship or to find a companionship because you will, it all takes time, don't give up hope especially is you're a fantastic person; everything will come back full circle one way or another.

Remember to always take a deep breath, drink tea, not too much caffeine, and hope for the best.

Follow me on TWITTER @midnighthuee 

I know I mentioned about having a TUMBLR but I have definitely been slacking there but it's @midnighthuee as well for those who are interested. Don't be afraid to give me ideas on what you'd like me to write some suggestions on, I'd love to hear from you.

Until next time, Take Care <3

keep smiling.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Switching things up a bit.

Hello to those who read my blog.

You've noticed that I've changed the name of my blog.

I felt that it would be more suitable to what I do here; giving some form of suggestions. I do not want anyone who comes here to read what I post and take it super literal or personal; that's not what I am trying to do here. I am simply trying to do my part and give a helping hand for those who may or may not need a boost. I'm hoping to maybe perk up someone's day, something bad happen, things aren't going their way and hopefully reading something here might make them feel just a bit better.

Also, I know I ended up leaving for what feels like a long time. I said I was going to leave for about 2 weeks to get over my writer's block and that turned into 3 months and I deeply apologize for that. A lot ended up happening on my side along with the writer's block; I genuinely didn't know what to write about that would be good for those who would read it; I don't want you to get bored reading my posts, that would defeat the purpose. I am not saying I am necessarily here to entertain either but I want you guys to have something of a good time and/or take something with you when you find your way here.

The schedule is also going to change, I'm still not sure to what but for a fact I want to post twice a week and I do not want to do two posts randomly throughout the week, we all have lives.

As for now, I have returned, I have posts that I am currently working on that will be finished soon.

Thank you to those who bared with me and my absence, I truly appreciate it. Those who are new, probably not, welcome and enjoy our journey.

Until next time, Take Care <3

Don't look for your passion.

I say don't actively look for your passion because I believe your passion will find you. 

Everyone is not the same when it comes to traits; everyone functions different because everyone was raised differently and grew up in different environments; we are all the same as we are different. We all have the same emotions and feel the same things about anything generic but how we react may be different, how we remember things may or may not be different. These are some reasons why it is important for us to be as mindful as we can because we can always learn something from someone.

I say don't look for you passion because there are some people that when they are young children find what makes them go to sleep late but still wake up early to do the same thing again and again because that creates true happiness for them. Although, there are others where it takes them until their teenage years to find their passion, their young adult years to find their passion, adult years to find their passion, and elder years to find their passion. Everyone, literally, has their entire lives to find their passion, to find that thing that makes them wake up in the morning to do over and over until callus forms on their hands but their face is still gleaming.

I know it feels that we have to find just about everything in our lives, finish school in a certain amount of years, find a relationship and get married by a certain age, start a family by a certain age, get that office job and have a certain salary in order to obtain happiness when that is not the case. If that is your life, that is your life because you are happy which is what is important. I know there are days where you are not comfortable with yourself, there is something you wanted to do but it didn't work out, something you wanted to have but it didn't workout and that is more than okay; everything is not meant to workout for you because it was not the best thing for you either at all or that point in time. What matters is being aware of your flow and how you flow. Once you find your flow, you will be happy with what comes to you when it comes to you.

As I mentioned early, everyone is different in the sense where we were all raised different, we all live very different lives, we were all raised in very different environments, eat different food, and wear different clothes. So how can you expect yourself to finish school at the same time as everyone? How do you expect to find love when some other people have found love? How do you expect to find your passion around the same time as your friends? You won't, because you are you and that is more than beautiful.

Don't rush.

Breath in deeply and exhale deeply, let the oxygen circulate.

Find you flow and don't let anyone tell you how to flow because that person is  getting in the way of you happiness and that is inappropriate beyond all reason. If that person or people really care about you, they would support you and try to encourage you to be the best you no matter how fast or slow you progress because you are not always going to complete 50 levels in one day, there will be days where you will only be able to complete 1 level because that's all that was meant to be completed for whatever the reason may be; you will not always know why which is also okay; everything is not in you control and you will learn to be okay with it if you're not already okay with things being out of all our control.

I'm going to end this here. I got inspired and felt that I should share this with whomever pops into my blog. Those who have found their way here, have a wonderful day and drink plenty of water.

Until next time, Take Care <3

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

My writer's block

This writer's block is hitting me harder than I expected. So! I'm going to take a little break. Probably about a week or two to explore and discover new things to discuss and write about.

Please follow my TWITTER @midnighthuee

Don't hesitate to give any suggestions and comment how your day was.

Until next time, Take Care <3

Thursday, April 7, 2016

BirchBox Review for April!

Hello everyone! It's that time of the month again; makeup reviews! 

I love doing these and I intend to get better at these because I love talking about great cosmetics. I just got my box from birchbox today which was perfect timing because I'm still going through a writer's block and did not know what I can talk about with you guys so this was more than perfect. First! I need to talk about this box design because it is heavenly to me. I love, love, love floral patterns. I am a huge fan so anytime I see a great floral pattern I am just swooned. The box was actually designed by Riffle Paper Company so this was a super cutesy collab and Birchbox members get a 20% off coupon for Riffle Paper so go check that out!
Now for inside the box. The first product I want to talk a little about is this Ol All in One Milk spray which I instantly fell. in. love. with. The smell of this product is so good I kept running my finger through my hair and touching my hair over and over; I couldn't stop touching or smell my hair. It has been about two hours since I put the spray and I still smell it and I love it so much. The price for a full size is $30 for those who are interested. I know it is on the pricey side but if you're into something that is great for adding volume, shine, detangling, which is a plus for my because my hair gets tangled very easily, and has a heat protectant, then this product is for you. This is actually wonderful timing because I was just running out of a heat protectant spray. I cannot stop talking about the scent because it is just right, not too strong or too faint, it smells fresh and airy almost. Clearly, very milky but in a great way. Birchbox also included the shampoo and conditioner that I would have tried if I have not already washed my hair this week. I will try it out next week and let you guys know what I thought of it.

Next! We have this wonderful clay mask, purifying 2-in-1 from derma e that I liked very deeply because my face feels so soft, not dried out and as I was rinsing it off my face, it even felt moisturized so I was very surprised about that. I know not all clay masks are made that same which is why it is important to do your research and look around for a clay mask that may be good for you. This one does have charcoal in it which is becoming very popular and with reason. With this mask, you apply a generous amount to your face and of course, be careful with them beautiful eyes when applying. You leave this one for 5 minutes or when it dries completely and rinse with warm or lukewarm water. If you want, you can wet it and gently rub it on your face if you want to exfoliate which I did and loved. So if you want to try a charcoal face mask, I suggest this one. Also keep in mind that you do have to do your masks 1-2 times a week and the full size is $19.50.

Next up is Marcelle's 3-in-1 Micellar Solution. The full size of this is $21. This is a makeup remover to put into simpler terms and a toner; great for sensitive skin too. It has calming ingredients to settle down your upset skin. I tried it when I put on the lip tar to see if there would a struggle to remove it since when it comes to matte lipsticks or stains it is known to be a struggle but with this product there was none; completely took off the lip tar which I was extremely happy about. I know I am like everyone else who struggles to remove anything matte so to have this makes me very happy. Plus, I used toilet paper because I was lazy to go back into my room to get a cotton ball and it still worked wonderfully. I recommend this for those who don't want the struggle to remove makeup and still having a toner to sooth your skin. Ponds makeup remover wipes are also great which can be found at any pharmacy or makeup supply store for about $3.99 or $4.99 if I remember correctly.

Next is this Lip Tar from Obsessive Compulsive Cosmetics. The full size is $16.I have never heard of this brand and now know about it because of BirchBox and I can say that I was very disappointed with the shade given to me because I have a tan almost caramel skin tone and I was given a bright pink tone called Femme. The product itself felt and looked very dry since it is matte. I probably would have to find my space with it and look more into the brand and their products because I went to their website to took a look at their products and I loved what I saw. I would say give the brand and their product a shot because just because it didn't work out well with me the first time does not mean it won't work out at all. Keep in mind, I also put on too much at the time when you are suppose to only put a dab on your lips so enjoy!

Last but definitely not least, Juliette Has a Gun brand with their perfume, not a perfume. I. love. this. I put it on over two hours ago and I still smell it. I love this scent so much that if I could afford this, I would buy it in a heartbeat. The small bottle is $100 and the bigger size is $135 so it is pricey. For those who can afford it, I say definitely go for it because this is a great scent. It is very soft and slightly earthy, almost on the musky side which I deeply enjoy. I love musky perfumes because it makes me want to shove my face into it especially when it's not too strong which this perfume is not. I imagined a guy wearing this perfume and just shoving my face into his shirt because that's how good I find it to smell. I highly recommend this even though it is on the pricey side of the spectrum. It does not hurt to look around on Amazon or eBay or department stores to try to find this for a cheaper price. I always encourage bargain hunting :D

And that is all five products that I got in my box and my favorite is the milk spray. That wonderful milk spray. I still smell it in my hair and it's just so good, too good. I highly recommend it because of the smell alone, I think I am getting better with this and with the timing. Clearly I like birchbox a bit more than IPSY but IPSY still have plenty to off, don't judge of my bias. 

I will end things here, please comment on my TWITTER and TUMBLR @Midnighthuee and leave comments here too! Let me know if any of you readers have tried these products, any product from birchbox, any you like and tell us how that went for you and what you think =)

Let me know how I'm doing, what you guys like, and what you guys would want me to write about in the future; I'd love to hear what you guys have to say so don't be shy.

Everyone have a great day, don't forget to flash you mouth bones, and Take Care <3

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Writer's Block

I ended up being really late with this post because I still have no idea what to write for today's post. I know this is something that happens to just about every writer; write's block. It sucks because we want to write but we just can't come up with anything good to write about. I probably do the same thing that all writers do which is beat ourselves up for not knowing what to write because we normally know what to write. Then those random days occur where we just suddenly don't know what to write about and we just lay around thinking and thinking and nothing.

It's not necessarily a bad thing but we feel like it is because we want to put something out there but it just isn't our day. I got into the habit of writing before hand and posting the day of to make sure I always have something ready but this week, I have been going blank. I ended up being in a place where I was about to not post at all but I know that isn't cool so I decided to write about my writer's block experience. 

I even decided that it could be a good topic in the end because I am not the only one who experiences this so it might be good for other to read and know that they are not the only ones either. Also for others to keep in mind that it is not a terrible thing and it is not the end of the world. We just can't help but feel frustrated because we know that we are better than this but nothing is coming out. 

One thing that can be done is what I am doing right now, just writing out your feelings and letting others know that they are not the only ones and it is not, I repeat, it is not a bad thing and not the end of the world. I bet tomorrow I will figure something out for Thursday because writer's block goes as fast as it comes so don't fuss or worry over it too much and I'm the worrying type. I'm the type of person who worries too often because I just care too much.  So for me to say not to worry about writer's block means you'll be more than okay; you'll be great in the end.

Another option is thinking about current events and stating your opinion in a civil manner and when I say that, I mean to be cool about it; you're not trying to persuade someone that you're smart or your view is best. I mean to express yourself in a way to strike up a reasonable debate and to just be open to hearing other's opinion because that's how we learn from each other; by listening. Even though I know it's the internet and there's basically no such thing as anything civil but it doesn't hurt to try.

Another thing that could be done is reading or remembering something you read and writing about that. You could even write about your favorite book and write about why it's your favorite compared to the hundreds and thousands of books in the entire world.

Alright, I'm going to end things here because I don't know what else to write about xD

I'm sorry again for this post being so late and thank you for dealing with my not so punctual schedule. I know I ended up not doing the IPSY review and I'm deeply sorry for that. I feel that now it is too late for it so clearly I took too long and lost my chance. I will review IPSY's bag this month along with BIRCHBOX's box for April so look forward to that. I promise I will review both this month. 

Please follow me on TWITTER @Midnighthuee and give my TUMBLR a shot even though there isn't much there but I plan to fill it up soon @Midnighthuee. Tell me what you guys do when you have writer's block and tell me overall how I'm doing, don't be shy.

Until next time, don't forget to flash your wonderful smiles and Take Care <3 

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Job Hunting

I decided to write about job hunting since that is what I am currently doing; searching for a job. What I can say about job hunting is that it is extremely stressful and tiring. It is so draining looking for jobs online, scrolling for hours and applying to multiple places for hours and then having to wait days to weeks to learn whether or not you got an interview.

I know there are millions of people looking for a job or who do have a job and want to find a better one, I am with you guys on this. I hate job hunting, I think it's one of the worst things of this world aside from stepping on a lego with or without a sock, job hunting is up there with the lego.

I always think that for whatever position I may or may not be applying for, I know I'd be a great addition no matter what because I'm a workaholic; I love working and I love to work. I'm the type of person that I need to be productive in order to feel useful, as bad as it may sound, I need to be working. I remember last summer one of my close friends had to keep telling me to relax because I had been working for so long that I kind of forgot how to relax for more than one day. I love working and being productive ^.^

As for those who are in the same position as me, looking for a job or for other who are looking for their first job or they currently have a job and they want a different, looking around is the only thing I can tell you. As tedious as it is, you have to look around to see what is in your area or what is around you. If you have a car, I feel like you have an awesome advantage because you an go even further thus being able to get more millage on all the jobs in your neighborhood and in following neighborhoods. Those looking for jobs for the first time and may not be able to, doing volunteer work or getting internships really gets your foot in the door. Those who are hiring love to see stuff like that, they like seeing that you are able to commit your time to something even though you were not getting paid; it shows that you can make a commitment and value. Many companies are looking for people like that because there are plenty of people who come to work for them and do not stay long. I do not blame them because everyone has a reason for leaving a job and such but for those looking for a job, this is a little plus for you. Especially when it comes to entry level jobs.

Those who have jobs and want to leave, leave. BUT, find another job first that you feel you may like because we need to pay bills out here and eat and feed our makeup addictions o.o
I never thought it would wise to just pick up your stuff and leave you job without having an idea of what you were going to do afterwards, If a better job is what you are looking for then look for a better one. When you find a better one then turn in your two weeks notice and leave peacefully and on a positive not. I always felt and know that when it comes to professional settings, the better you relationships are with people you work with, the better connections you create. Even if that position did not work out well, they may offer you something else even before you leave; you just never know.

Also those looking for jobs, talk to people around you. Talk to people in your classes, professors, the career center, you parents even, your friend's parents, TALK TO SOMEONE! I spoke with my co-workers and it helped me so much with gaining the confidence I needed to dive more into looking for a job and being more confident in actually finding one. It made everything that much more easier because I spoke with people whom I get along with very well therefore they are more than willing to help me. That's why it is always good to make friends because you never know what connections they may know and you never know when it can come in handy.

I feel that I must also point out that finding jobs and stuff like that is not the only reason why you should make friends,. We are all getting older and it is always good to make friends period; having a support system through life does make things much more fun and easier. I'm saying that because you made such great friendship and they see that you're in a pickle, they'd be more than happy to help you  because you're friends and they're more than willing to do you a favor because they don't want to see you struggling, especially if they can help.

I will end things here!

This was good, I feel more and more comfortable with this and hopefully you guys are becoming more comfortable with me too.


Share with me some of your job hunting experiences and how it went for you. Also, don't be shy to leave comments, I want to read them. Thank you very much to those who show up to my blog and actually take the time to actually read my posts, I deeply appreciate it.

Alright, until next time, everyone, Remember To Smile and Take Care <3

Saturday, March 26, 2016


I know I am behind with the Ipsy review for this month and I’m sure millions of people already know what is in the bag this month but my bag may be a bit different so I am still going to do it. I’m still getting used to how BlogSpot works and I’m normally obsessed with making something pretty because I believe presentation is always important. But I will get on that and as soon as I’m done, I will post it!

This post however, is going to be about hobbies! I decided to write about hobbies because it is getting even warmer and I am so excited! It is becoming the time to get out more often in New York City now or for some, staying indoors with the A/C on full blast.

I have only met one person who did not really have any hobbies but it still threw me off guard because at the time I thought everyone had some sort of hobby when they’re not working, something to do with their spare time and this person told me no. I asked him if he watched any shows or read any books since I love reading books 

Side note: I have not really discovered any books I feel I can talk to you guys about quite yet but hopefully I can find something soon. Even something in my collection of books that I have not finished I could probably give it a go. 

I didn’t want to be mean either but I at some point I did get bored and ran out of things to talk about because he did not have much to share aside from what he did for a living. It was film and sure that’s cool but I already knew about film and at the time he wasn’t really telling me anything I didn’t know already.

I’m not saying to plain give up on people who have no hobbies because you can always introduce someone to something knew; there is a vast amount of things that everyone does not know about and we can learn something new every day. So go for it. The reason why I did not move forward with this person was because I felt I had no comment ground and plus I was immature in the sense where instead of working harder, I would let certain things go and not say anything when I could have been more honest. These days, I am a lot more honest with people even if I don’t get the same treatment because I know I can say I did my best to communicate with the other person.

As for hobbies, this is the time to maybe pick up a new hobby like archery, if you were exercising indoors all winter you can go outside now for a lovely morning jog! You can even bring your laptop outside now and play games outside! Read your books outside, hold book club outside now that the weather is getting much better. Outdoors parties! I love those!ti I know there are multiple locations around the city that do outdoor yoga and meditation. I’ve never done that yet but I can only imagine how relaxing it can be and you can do it on your own too but I suggest being with a friend if you’re going to meditate outside for safety reasons of course.

My hobbies are reading, writing (obviously ), playing video games, exploring here and there, finding new hair, skin, and nail stuff, (obviously ) fashion, and a little bit of electronics because of my dad. That is to name a few of my hobbies. Oh! Yoga and meditation too. Those keep me going even though I should get back into yoga.

Share with me some of your hobbies on Twitter because I want to know what your hobbies are and how you have fun with your friends and family.

TWITTER/ @midnighthuee

A moment for some honesty, I know I haven’t been keeping up with the schedule the last couple weeks because I got to a place with my blog where I felt no one was reading it anymore and that probably I was wasting my time with this. I continue to keep in mind that anyone who has a successful blog of some sort, had some slip ups here and there and I shouldn't beat myself up too much over it. I deeply apologize for the slight disappearance. Anytime I intend to be away for a while, I will tell you guys for now on. I'm posting for now to make up for Thursday and I should be on time for Tuesday.

Thank you to those who find my blog and take the time out to read it, I deeply appreciate it. I have slowly started making my way onto Tumblr so hopefully that starts going well too so check it out! I’m still figuring out how Tumblr works too.

TUMBLR/ @midnighthuee

Until next time, everyone. Remember to smile and Take care <3

Thursday, March 17, 2016

My lateness

I am sorry that my posts did not been coming last Thursday, this Tuesday and most likely this Thursday since I have been so busy with work.

I wanted to review Ipsy's makeup box this month but I do not think it will be posted on Thursday. Friday seems more likely if not then probably Saturday. I am so sorry that things have been so hectic the last two weeks.

I honestly thought to not post that things have been hectic since I keep feeling that probably much people are not into my blog and that is more than okay because I know not everyone is going to like my blog since I am still very new to this sort of thing. I can only hope that I am getting better with this.

I do want to get better at this but for now life is getting in the way and I will do my best to get everything out and that it all looks pretty for those who do visit my blog.

Thank you,

Don't forget to follow me on TWITTER/ @midnighthuee and please let me know what your thoughts are.

Thanks. Until next time, Take Care <3


Birchbox's March Makeup Box Review

Hello Everyone! It is the month of March and it is slowly but surely getting warmer. I look forward to the warmer seasons but considering New York had a not so cold winter, I think it’s safe to expect a hot summer.

Moving on with reviewing Birchbox’s March box that I honestly did not love as much as I thought but! There is a promo going on right now for the entire month that I am very excited about. You can make you own sample box this month for $15 for nonmembers which is normally $25 if I’m not mistaken. Those who are members, the sample box is $10 which I hoped on instantly because I got to pick the samples I want.

I will start off a little with the box design, as usual, fabulous. I always look forward to what the design with be every month and I love being surprised so that’s why I don’t go on the website until I get my box since you have the option of seeing what may be in your box that month. You may even have the option to customize what may go into your box each month for members.

Now for inside this beautiful and lovely box.The first item I noticed was the Stainiac brand lip and cheek tint. Keep in mind, this is a tint, not a stain. Most tints are suppose to be subtle and not super noticeable but does give you lips and cheeks a small hint of color for those who may not be a fan of super bold shades. If so, I highly recommend this.

Next, Supergoop’s city sunscreen serum! I stress sunscreen because sunscreen is very, very, VERY, important is you want to look young longer. Always put sunscreen, at least SPF 50, on your whole face and neck. I like putting sunscreen even on the back of my neck. The sample I have is SPF 30 and I’m somewhat okay with that because I prefer having as high as I can get. I know it can be a bit of a challenge to find SPF 50 and have a pretty smell so that’s why I let some slide with SPF 30 but if I have to choose, SPF 50. It is getting warmer everyone so make sure to have your favorite sunscreen handy!

Third sample, Trestique’s mini shadow crayon. I love this brand for this lipsticks because so far that is all I have tried. This month I got a pretty dark shade, ASPEN PINE and I did not expect to be given such a shade. I feel that it is a bit dark for me since I don’t usually go for the dark eye shadow look but I know many of you do so this, I highly recommend. Plus it’s a crayon so I feel that you may have a bit more control and it seems to blend very well.

Number four! Curl Keeper’s Ultimate Hold and Frizz control. When subscribing to be a member, they do ask you for your hair type. I have natural, curly and big hair so I will always get those sorts of products. Plus I am all about natural hair especially since it’s easier on my hair than flat ironing it. If you want to flat iron though, go for it; I’m all about going for a different hair style from time to time, whatever makes you happy and feel beautiful. I have not tried it yet since it’s in a paper like packaging so I’m afraid that once I open I have to use it all and I don’t want to do so. I will come back to you with this product and I will let you know how I feel about it.

Last but not least, Juara’s Radiance Enzyme Scrub. This brightens and exfoliates your skin, minimizes pores and is good for all skin types! The scrub is dermatologist tested, 100% vegetarian, free of parabens, phthalates, and harsh chemicals. I tried a little bit on the back of my hand and I can say that my hand feels super soft. It is always good to have an exfoliater in your skin care routine especially for those who are always on the move and your skin is being exposed to everything outside.

Well that does it for my first review of Birchbox’s March box! I actually had a really good time with this because I noticed that I feel super confident when I am talking about products especially those that I take the time out to see how it is on my skin or my friend’s skin. I love hearing feedback about certain brands and products because it encourages me to try more and it is always good to expand your horizons.

Follow me on TWITTER/ @midnighthue and tell me what you thought of my review.

On Thursday I will review IPSY’s makeup and I can say that I love their bag because it really does get me in the mood for spring.

Also I apologize deeply for not posting on Thursday. Work was hectic last week and I came home mentally exhausted, I didn’t even turn on my computer. I also apologize for not posting on time this week far. My schedule has been pretty full and I have not been able to finish up my posts on time. I am deeply sorry about this and Thursday's post will be late as well. Next week, everything will go back to normal because I will not be as busy and things will mellow out at work. Thank you for bearing with my slightly hectic schedule the past two weeks.

I hope you guys really like my review and that it was helpful, even a little.

Thank you, everyone and until next time, don’t forget to smile, and Take Care <3