I wanted to talk a little about this topic because I have had my fair share with not feeling comfortable in my skin and I wanted to try to bring some comfort to those who may not as well.
There will be days when we do not feel great in our skin for whatever the reason may be. Your face probably has too much acne and you feel self-conscious about it. You probably feel a bit over weight or you feel very over weight and it makes you feel terrible about your body and the shape.
I wanted to say that it is okay to not feel okay sometimes about how we look. That can give us a new goal to work towards. It can give us motivation to try to feel the way we want to feel. It is very important to be mindful about the fact that we will not reach our goals in one week or two weeks. It can take up to about two or more months. I have a friend who got in shape and it took him about a year to get to the weight and figure he wanted but he didn't give up.
If looking a certain way is your goal in life then work towards it. It is very important to feel comfortable in our skin because it brings out our confidence and it shows.
I also need to add that there is nothing wrong with your body as well. I am mentioning that if you feel the need to change how you look because you feel it would increase your confidence or make sure you are healthy, go for it. That does not mean that you should not embrace who you are though. It is also very important and to live long enough to make sure to take care of your body.
It took me a long time to start working towards my body goals because of how much I love my body. But for the sake of my health, I need to lose some weight despite how much I love my body. Sometime some sacrifices need to be made for a greater good.
I always encourage people to love who they are as a person and how they look because no one looks like them. It is important to embrace who we are because everyone else is taken. Love who you are as a person and how you look.
I do recommend not to go to such far extents that are life threatening to get a body you may want because our health always comes first.
I also wanted to bring up that there are times when you are more than just hard on yourself and how you look. There are some people who look at themselves in the mirror and detest how they look; they are the first person to call themselves ugly and continue to say it. Some people also do not take care of themselves because they want a certain body shape and do not eat. There are some who also workout to much and can become a problem. I only listed a few but if you or someone you know may be this negative towards their body, I highly and deeply recommend seeing a mental health professional to gain some form of help on how you persevere yourself.
I will end things here but I do intend to revisit this topic from time to time. Everything I saw here is simply a suggestion, I do not intend anyone to follow what I suggest here. Please follow me on TWITTER @midnighthuee and tell me how you encourage others to improve how much they love themselves.
Smiling helps with feeling happier longer. Try to do one good deed a day and until next time, Take Care <3
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