My main advice when it comes to close-minded people is to watch out for them. They're usually the type of people to say that they are not close-minded when actually they are. Usually people who describe themselves as certain traits such as nice, sweet, or open-minded, usually they are not those things. People who are truly nice and giving do not say that they are because they normally show it through their actions; what they do for their loved ones or those around them.
I had one encounter with a close-minded person not wanting to admit that what they said was close-minded while knowing that they said something wrong. I found myself lucky that it wasn't in person and just through social media because I never want to have conversations about certain topics with close-minded people because they tend to not listen to the other party and it is annoying to me. The person ended up getting offended about a video concerning drag queens participating during story time for groups of children. The drag queens would come in for story time and read a book of choice for the children. I found it mesmerizing because it makes such sense to me. Drag queens take such pride in entertaining people. When it comes to children, I know the kids would have a great time hearing the character have different voices and see a person read to them who is wearing a colorful or vibrant outfit that catches their attention can keep the kid's attention. It find it very beautiful to expose our children to different people and to also help them find their own comfort in themselves if they feel that they can relate to a drag queen on whatever kind of level.
The person found the video offensive and I think that's fine because everyone has their own thoughts and opinions and I respect that. But when they act upon it while disrespecting someone else, I am going to say something and that I did. Then the person responded to me saying that they'll apologize if I could find 5 instances in total where they were offensive towards the LGBTQ community. I want everyone to pay attention to the fact that the person said they'd apologize, which shows that they know they did something wrong but isn't going to apologize unless their ridiculous requirements are met. Don't fuck around with people like that! 3 instances is 3 times too many for me! I ended up telling them to not chill on my page if they do not like what I post on my social media profile, end of story. This entire encounter didn't have to be an encounter but I refuse to remain silent over some disrespectful shit.
One thing I thought of was that if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and sounds like a duck, some close-minded people are going to say that it's a penguin because they believe it's a penguin. Other people might point out to them that it might be a duck but because some close-minded people believe it's a penguin, it's a penguin to them. Probably a very poor analogy but I hope it gets a point across.
Some, not all, close-minded people choose to see live only through their lens and that is fine because they do not want to become more aware of their surroundings and who are we to force that upon them? But do not tolerate their disrespectful bullshit because they decided not to educate themselves on everyday people and lives.
I will end things here because I think I got my point across where you can definitely be friends with people who are not knowledgeable in certain topics; that is fine. But when they decide to be respectful and do not see why, do not engage long, give your two seconds and bounce because 9 times out of 10, it is not worth it. Everything I say here is simply a suggestion, I do not intend anyone to follow what I suggest here.
Please follow me on TWITTER @midnighthuee and tell me about the time you shut down a close-minded asshole.
Smiling can lead to feeling slightly happier throughout your day, doing good deeds are contagious and until next time, Take Care <3
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