Excuse my lateness with this post. I'm sure like everyone else, I was enjoying the beginning of the New Year. I'd like to say that my start is great so far; spending it with my best friend. I'm sure everyone had a great time and I hope that everyone made it back home safely. This is a day where everyone is drinking and having plenty of fun which is wonderful but sadly as everyone knows, alcohol is consumed a lot more than usual on New Years. A lot of people tend to get careless and let loose because of the holiday and there's nothing really wrong except that safety becomes an issue as soon as you lose control of your body.
People can get seriously hurt and unfortunately, some have lost their lives and loved ones because of some people becoming 'too' careless on New Years. I always stress for everyone to be as mindful and careful as possible. I know there will always be people calling you lame for wanting to play it safe but there is nothing cool about drinking and driving, texting and driving, even playing Pokemon Go while driving, and getting into an accident. It is not cool to badger someone because they rather be safe than sorry either. Those who are encouraging other to be careful and safe are the people you should listen too and keep around because more than likely, you will live longer and will not get hurt as much.
We can all have plenty of fun while still being careful and I'm not just saying that because I'm a young adult, I'm saying it because it is true. It's not cool to get into life threatening accidents because you think you'll become 'cooler' for it. Being cool is a perspective. If you think you're cool and your loved ones think you're cool, then you're cool and that's all that matters.
I hope everyone was as careful as they can be and prevented as many accidents as possible.
Recapping on last year for a moment, I can say it wasn't all that bad as the media played it out to be in my opinion. Yes, I think the media wanted people to be angry about whatever it is to distract us from real important activities such as who is running our government, the mentalities of some of our political figures, and who they want us to pick to be in charger of us. You don't have to believe, everything I say here is a suggestion, hence the name of this blog.
Everything happens for a real and there can always be a manipulator. When it comes to certain situations, the smart ones can always play dumb to get by.
Other than the media, I learned a lot about myself this passing year. I continue to find new ways to stand up for myself in ways I didn't know how to before. Even though I am a straightforward person, there are still some ways that I am not so blunt such as my love life. Guys ask me if I want a relationship and I'd beat around the bush saying I'm not in a rush. Which is true but I do want a relationship. I thought because I've been single for a long time that I had to be okay with being single and I am but I also thought that I had to play it cool when I did want more romantically. I was afraid of scaring guys away and I've probably have. It's a bummer but those are not the guys for me.
Do not be afraid to say what you need and want. I stress that as if tomorrow does not exist. If you know what you want and work for it, it will happen in due time, you just have to want it bad enough. Also be yourself, best advice anyone can give because everyone else is taken.
If you had a bad year, that means there's a lot to take from it and bring it into this new year. Finding the silver lining will help set things in perspective that things can be worse but they aren't. Try to make the best of things and don't give up. You have to go through obstacles to get to the finish line, can't always just walk across.
On a side note, drink plenty of water, exercise even if it's just walking everywhere, take better care of yourself and continue to do what makes you happy because that is what this life is partially about, being happy. Even when you are sad, it's okay to be sad, be sad! Be confused! Be perplexed. Fall in love, Fall out of love. Learn how to take care and love yourself that way you can do the same for others and learn to truly care for the love of your life. Read that book, play that game, jump that hurdle, write that book, and confess your love. Yeah, we have a lot of time but that doesn't mean you should wait forever.
Those are my suggestions.
Hope everyone had a wonderful day and continue being you're best. Please follow me on TWITTER @midnighthuee and tell me about your new year. What did you do? Tell me about 2016. Did it suck or was it your best year so far? Post. Don't be shy.
Spread that pretty smile and try doing one good deed. Be safe. HAPPY NEW YEAR!! Until Next time, Take Care <3
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