What is important to keep in mind when creating new New Years resolutions or continuing your old ones are to ensure yourself that they are realistic.
You want your goals to be something you know you could do and won't beat yourself up if you don't accomplish them in a certain amount of time.
One of my continuing resolutions is losing weight which I have been struggling with because I still have no find my balance with it. My goal is still to lose five pounds. I had accomplished that goal previously but I gained the five pounds right back before I knew it. Hence why I have not found my balance yet. The bright side is that I know I can do it again because I have so it is not an unrealistic goal, I can totally do it.
An example of being unrealistic is wanting to lose 25 pounds in two weeks. That is too much strain on your body especially if you have a schedule of other things to do. There is nothing wrong with starting small because every little bit will add up along the way. Also, if you don't succeed with you smaller goals at first, I think you're less likely to feel too bad because of how small the goal is.
Also, do your best to separate you short-term goals from your long-term goals. I stress this very much because time is a big difference. You short-term goals are ambitions you can accomplish in a matter of weeks to a few months. Your long-term goals are other intentions that can be accomplished in a few months to a few years maybe, time varies depending on your goals. If you want to get a new degree, that does take a few years to about five years max depending on the degree so be mindful.
Be mindful and remember that you are a human being with thoughts, feelings, and opinions. Do not forget that you are also interacting with other human beings with their own feelings, thoughts, and opinions so do your best to be kind.
We have to make mistakes to grow so try to become okay when you do make mistakes and not beat yourself up too much or become too disappointed with yourself; you will get back up. Yes, when we are in certain situations, we cannot afford to make a mistake but your previous mistakes have gotten you ready for that situation where you can't make a mistake.
I digress. Make you goals, separate them between short and long-term, and it's okay if you don't accomplish them in the time frame you set because giving yourself more time is more than okay. Also be realistic with your goals because you will be more likely to achieve them. Small goals will add up over time so it's okay to make a bunch of small goals because all together are big goals in the end.
That is my suggestion for today.
Drink plenty of water and remember to exercise even if it's just power walking. Try to go for a walk and get some sun because I know I keep losing time to get more sun because it is winter in the city and I don't function in winter time.
Follow me on TWITTER @midnighthuee and tell me what you resolutions are.
I have also finally decide to post here once a week on SUNDAYS. Sorry I took so long to decide a day but it has been decided so look forward to them. Hopefully they don't suck too much.
I have also finally decide to post here once a week on SUNDAYS. Sorry I took so long to decide a day but it has been decided so look forward to them. Hopefully they don't suck too much.
Remember to show your teeth and to try doing one good deed a day. Until next time, Take Care <3
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