Sunday, January 22, 2017

We Have a New President...

I normally do not make posts like these, maybe I should more but I am not sure. When it comes to posting about certain current events that can create such a backlash it is intimidating and nerve wracking for some. I consider this a bit edgy on my part but this is something very important and I felt that I couldn't keep quiet about this.

The United States has its new president and a lot of people are either very happy or extremely pissed off. I am mainly concerned and waiting to see how everything plays out.

I wanted to talk a little about everyone who was protesting this passing weekend and how inspirational it is. I am very thankful for all the men and women who took time out of their lives to fight for those who cannot fight, for those who feel that they do not have a voice to be heard. Thank you too all those people who are fighting to ensure all of our rights and to fight to create better rights for both men and women such as fighting for women to have equal pay.

That is what this country was built on; people fighting for what they know is right and what they know is wrong. It is wrong to treat people poorly because of how they look physically, how they speak, how they dress, or even how they may act sometimes. Everyone deserves to be treaty nicely, kindly, and with respect. If they do or say something wrong, offense, or mean, someone should stand up to say that they did or said something inappropriate but how the message gets delivered matters. When pointing out something bad happening, we do not have to yell or scream, we could pull he person to the side and explain to them what they just did wasn't cool. Hopefully, they'll understand and apologize.

In another scenario, say the person does not understand what they did wrong and refuses to apologize despite hurting someone else's feeling, you let that person go.

They are not the human for you if they cannot see how they hurt someone even after gaining an explanation.

It is also wrong to harass anyone in any way; verbally, mentally, spiritually, or emotionally. I recently came across an incident about a woman yelling at a couple who was speaking Greek. It has upset her and she felt she had to do something about it. Her passion is great but it was expressed poorly in my opinion. She harassed two innocent people who are living their lives. Why did she feel the need to yell at people was not speaking English around her? I cannot answer for her but I know it is wrong to randomly approach people to start yelling at them because they do not speak the same language as you. 

America is the country that is is today because of all the people around the world who came here to create a better life for themselves and their families. There are hundreds of different cultures and ethnic groups throughout this country because of that generation who left their lives behind in other countries to star a new in American in hopes of creating better lives. It is that hope and bravery that built this country into the great nation that is it today.

I can also say that each country does have their pros and cons.

In America and all around the world, racism, xenophobia, homophobia, discrimination, bigotry, the list goes all of all these negative -isms and phobias have been around for generations and will probably never fully go away because we cannot go to every person and tell them stop being a homophobic for example. That is who they are as a person and we cannot expect people to change over night. What we can do is talk, discuss, to try to broaden their perspectives on topics they may not know about and that's it. If they decide to see things anew that is great but if they refuse to change their perspective on gay people, for example, then we need to keep moving forward and let that person go.

Everyone is different and everything is not for everyone.

We are all humans and want the same thing; a better life. I think that is something we can all agree with but sadly there are always going to be  people who feel differently and due to how passionate they may feel about something and feel they have to go out of their way to get their voice heard. Getting your voice heard about something you think is wrong is empowering for so many people.

ALTHOUGH, if it causes you to interfere with someone's way of living that is not directly impacting your own, the person going out of their way to get their voice heard unnecessarily is wrong. An example is someone feeling the need to go up to someone or a group of people to tell them, stop speaking Spanish, Greek, or Pakistani and speak English, we live in America. English became its own language people of the Latin and Greek language. Once someone approaches a person and starts telling them, stop speaking X language and speak English, that person is dividing people unnecessarily, fueling hate that is already getting passed around furiously in this country right now. We have protests to fight for what is wrong, to fight for those who desperate need help and need a voice to be heard because a wrong is happening and is damaging millions of lives. When one person wants to go to someone to tell them off because they look certain way, speak a certain way or act a certain way because they feel uncomfortable, all the have to do is leave that area. They do not have to ruin an individuals world because they don't know they can just leave a room and their world is alright again. It is that simple. If a situation or person makes you uncomfortable, you do not have to approach them and yell at them about it, just leave, go for your own sake but not at the risk of damaging someone else. 

There is so much hate and division as is around the world. We are all just one person apart but together we can come together to spread around some form of gratitude even if it is just one area. That is still something to be proud just as the men and women involved in the Women's March. 

The people during the Inauguration is a bit different. They were pissed and angered by everything go on and felt that their voices was not heard when speaking peacefully and felt they had to result to violence and that is what happened when too many people choose not to listen for even one minute; violence. It doesn't take a lot of energy to just listen to someone's opinions, even if they don't match up with yours, even if you might not have anything to say afterwards, listening is more than enough for most people; for them to vent and get whatever they have stuck on their chest off. Groups of people create a riot because their voices weren't getting heard and they knew if they started smashing stuff, people would definitely pay attention. We need to try to pay attention to those who are speaking when they have someone to say to prevent them from resorting to violence, to prevent people feeling that in order to get heard, they need to get violent. We also have to start treating violence different or else upcoming generation will think that in order to definitely get heard, they need to get violent.

I don't condone what the rioters did during the inauguration but I understand completely why they felt the need to.

I think I gave more than enough of my two cents and am going to end things here. Remember, everything I say is a suggestion, I am not telling anyone to do anything; my blog is meant to be a suggestion, food for thought. Follow me on TWITTER @midnighthuee and tell me what you thought about the inauguration and all the issues going on right now, I want to know what you think.

Fight for what you know is true, that is hurting others that need assistance. Remember to try to smile, even at a stranger, spreads the happiness around even for a moment. Try doing a good deed because it's contagious and until next time, Take Care <3

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