Wednesday, June 29, 2016


can be a huge drag for some including myself. I am not afraid to admit that when it comes to the whole dating scene, I do not have the best experiences. Not that I never had any good experiences because I have.

I think my mistake is that I do not let go enough and I can take things a bit too seriously when the whole dating thing is suppose to be enjoyable to some extent. I understand that some people are a lot like me in the sense where we know what we what in a companionship but the fact of the matter is, most people our age are trying to get their lives in order. Some are not looking for a relationship or anything in relation either because they rather be single and live life on their own which is also okay as well; some prefer to find themselves alone rather than in a relationship.

There is really nothing wrong with seeing and getting to know more than one person at a time because that isn't the time where things are serious yet; bare with me because I am the type to see one person at a time as well. While I know there are people who have no problem seeing multiple people and getting to know them at the same time. It isn't necessarily about keeping track or tabs on the people you're getting to know, it is simply that, you're getting to see who they are as a person.

I'm the type of person that I am very selective because I do not like wasting my time so I tend to gravitate towards people who I get a good vibe from but that's just me.

This also calls in for the whole guys and girls who "low key" have multiple people their talking to when there isn't anything wrong with that. Myself for example, if I am talking to multiple people and one guy gets upset with that, I know I wouldn't know how else to break it down to him than saying that no one is serious because no one has told me they wanted to be serious with me and I am doing nothing wrong by getting to know people. There is nothing wrong with meeting a few people, being a casual friend, going out on a date here and there and seeing what happens between the two of you. 

I am also not saying to go out, meet a whole bunch of people at once and go on dates with all of them. It is okay to talk to one person at a time but also do not be too afraid to branch out here and there because it doesn't hurt to meet new people and just go out with them. So long as you know what you want and stay true to yourself and what your needs are and establish and communicate that to the other person, things should turn out alright for the most part even if you do not get what you want because at the end of the day, it is about getting what you need.

I have had many friends who have told me not to have all of my eggs in one basket in case things doesn't work out and we are in a time in our lives where things are more likely to not workout than to actually workout because not too many of us have our lives together and many people do not want to intertwine their lives with someone else's if they do not feel that their lives are settled enough which is reasonable, being fair and thoughtful of the other person as discouraging as it can be for some.

Dating is something that shouldn't be rushed and takes time, finding love takes time just like getting your life together, finding a well paying job, finally jump starting your career, moving out of your parent's place, or buying your first car; these are all things that shouldn't be rushed into because you are more likely to not find the one for you because you rushed into a commitment before testing the waters.

So don't rush to get into a relationship or to find a companionship because you will, it all takes time, don't give up hope especially is you're a fantastic person; everything will come back full circle one way or another.

Remember to always take a deep breath, drink tea, not too much caffeine, and hope for the best.

Follow me on TWITTER @midnighthuee 

I know I mentioned about having a TUMBLR but I have definitely been slacking there but it's @midnighthuee as well for those who are interested. Don't be afraid to give me ideas on what you'd like me to write some suggestions on, I'd love to hear from you.

Until next time, Take Care <3

keep smiling.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Switching things up a bit.

Hello to those who read my blog.

You've noticed that I've changed the name of my blog.

I felt that it would be more suitable to what I do here; giving some form of suggestions. I do not want anyone who comes here to read what I post and take it super literal or personal; that's not what I am trying to do here. I am simply trying to do my part and give a helping hand for those who may or may not need a boost. I'm hoping to maybe perk up someone's day, something bad happen, things aren't going their way and hopefully reading something here might make them feel just a bit better.

Also, I know I ended up leaving for what feels like a long time. I said I was going to leave for about 2 weeks to get over my writer's block and that turned into 3 months and I deeply apologize for that. A lot ended up happening on my side along with the writer's block; I genuinely didn't know what to write about that would be good for those who would read it; I don't want you to get bored reading my posts, that would defeat the purpose. I am not saying I am necessarily here to entertain either but I want you guys to have something of a good time and/or take something with you when you find your way here.

The schedule is also going to change, I'm still not sure to what but for a fact I want to post twice a week and I do not want to do two posts randomly throughout the week, we all have lives.

As for now, I have returned, I have posts that I am currently working on that will be finished soon.

Thank you to those who bared with me and my absence, I truly appreciate it. Those who are new, probably not, welcome and enjoy our journey.

Until next time, Take Care <3

Don't look for your passion.

I say don't actively look for your passion because I believe your passion will find you. 

Everyone is not the same when it comes to traits; everyone functions different because everyone was raised differently and grew up in different environments; we are all the same as we are different. We all have the same emotions and feel the same things about anything generic but how we react may be different, how we remember things may or may not be different. These are some reasons why it is important for us to be as mindful as we can because we can always learn something from someone.

I say don't look for you passion because there are some people that when they are young children find what makes them go to sleep late but still wake up early to do the same thing again and again because that creates true happiness for them. Although, there are others where it takes them until their teenage years to find their passion, their young adult years to find their passion, adult years to find their passion, and elder years to find their passion. Everyone, literally, has their entire lives to find their passion, to find that thing that makes them wake up in the morning to do over and over until callus forms on their hands but their face is still gleaming.

I know it feels that we have to find just about everything in our lives, finish school in a certain amount of years, find a relationship and get married by a certain age, start a family by a certain age, get that office job and have a certain salary in order to obtain happiness when that is not the case. If that is your life, that is your life because you are happy which is what is important. I know there are days where you are not comfortable with yourself, there is something you wanted to do but it didn't work out, something you wanted to have but it didn't workout and that is more than okay; everything is not meant to workout for you because it was not the best thing for you either at all or that point in time. What matters is being aware of your flow and how you flow. Once you find your flow, you will be happy with what comes to you when it comes to you.

As I mentioned early, everyone is different in the sense where we were all raised different, we all live very different lives, we were all raised in very different environments, eat different food, and wear different clothes. So how can you expect yourself to finish school at the same time as everyone? How do you expect to find love when some other people have found love? How do you expect to find your passion around the same time as your friends? You won't, because you are you and that is more than beautiful.

Don't rush.

Breath in deeply and exhale deeply, let the oxygen circulate.

Find you flow and don't let anyone tell you how to flow because that person is  getting in the way of you happiness and that is inappropriate beyond all reason. If that person or people really care about you, they would support you and try to encourage you to be the best you no matter how fast or slow you progress because you are not always going to complete 50 levels in one day, there will be days where you will only be able to complete 1 level because that's all that was meant to be completed for whatever the reason may be; you will not always know why which is also okay; everything is not in you control and you will learn to be okay with it if you're not already okay with things being out of all our control.

I'm going to end this here. I got inspired and felt that I should share this with whomever pops into my blog. Those who have found their way here, have a wonderful day and drink plenty of water.

Until next time, Take Care <3