Sunday, January 29, 2017

Those who aren’t feeling well

There will always come a time when you are not feeling your best and of course that is okay and normal. You are suppose to have some days when you are not feeling your greatest because you are a human being. You are not suppose to be all rainbows-pep in my step-excited every single day; that’s just impossible when it comes to the chemicals releasing in your brain. The chemicals in your brain give off a certain amount of each chemicals in certain situations when it comes to a healthy brain fortunately. Unfortunately for some, the chemicals in their brains are unbalanced and they may feel more or less of an emotion such as sadness. If there is something that causes a person to be sad, they may stay sad longer compared to someone with a healthier brain.

I digress. If you are not feeling well, that is more than alright because you are being a human being and is letting yourself feel whatever emotion that you are currently feeling that is not happiness. In our society, at some point, being happy was shoved into our faces and making us feel that if we are not happy practically every single day that something is wrong with us or making a lot of people feel that they have some type of mental illness when they probably don’t.

I do stress that if you feel like something could be wrong with you mentally, I strongly urge for you to reach out and seek professional help. Do not listen to those people who say "smile more" and "cheer up". If you feel like you can’t 'cheer up', seek help as soon as you can please.

We as humans do not need to be happy all the time because like I said, that is not how our brains work. I wish whenever they were spreading the word of happiness that they mentioned how okay is it to not be happy all the time. It is more than okay to just be okay; to feel content on some days because nothing eventful happened today.

How can most everyday people be happy and excited all the time when most just go to work, do the best they can, and go home to make dinner? Their days are pretty straight forward. Unless they go see a friend after work, how happy are they going to be? They’re going to be content! They’re going to feel chill or just alright and that is normal! When something good happens, they’ll be happy like if a fax when through without the fax machine getting jammed or their boss giving them some tea because your boss noticed that you might be feeling under the weather. Those are things that make us feel so happy in those moments but once those moments are gone, you go back to feeling chill, calm, or neutral with everything around you.

That does not mean that there is something wrong with you because you should be happy that you are able to breathe the air that you do. That is shoving happiness down our throats when everything around us does not cause happiness. You could get mad at some point throughout your day because you were wearing socks and stepped in a wet spot. You could get really sad because something awful happened to one of your favorite characters in one of your favorite shows. You probably ran over a possum and you feel so guilty that you accidentally took an animal's life so you decided to give it a proper burial at hopes of feeling better and be given forgiveness.

Life is constantly happening and moving forward but not everything is going to make you happy. You will feel angry, you will feel sad, you will feel happy, and then probably perplexed right after because that is how a healthy human brain works. Yes, focus on your happiness and pay more attention to the things and people who try to make you more happy than sad on most days. But do not feel bad when you are not happy every moment of the day because it is okay, nothing made you happy unless something good happened, that you genuinely liked, to make you happy.

I will end things here and remember, everything I say is a suggestion; I am not telling anyone to do anything, I only make suggestions. You are liable if you decide to make the conscious decision(s) of following what I suggest. Please follow me on TWITTER @midnighthuee and let me know who tried shoving happiness down your throat and how you reacted to it.

Try to spread some happiness in moderation, try to do a good deed and until next time, Take Care <3

Sunday, January 22, 2017

We Have a New President...

I normally do not make posts like these, maybe I should more but I am not sure. When it comes to posting about certain current events that can create such a backlash it is intimidating and nerve wracking for some. I consider this a bit edgy on my part but this is something very important and I felt that I couldn't keep quiet about this.

The United States has its new president and a lot of people are either very happy or extremely pissed off. I am mainly concerned and waiting to see how everything plays out.

I wanted to talk a little about everyone who was protesting this passing weekend and how inspirational it is. I am very thankful for all the men and women who took time out of their lives to fight for those who cannot fight, for those who feel that they do not have a voice to be heard. Thank you too all those people who are fighting to ensure all of our rights and to fight to create better rights for both men and women such as fighting for women to have equal pay.

That is what this country was built on; people fighting for what they know is right and what they know is wrong. It is wrong to treat people poorly because of how they look physically, how they speak, how they dress, or even how they may act sometimes. Everyone deserves to be treaty nicely, kindly, and with respect. If they do or say something wrong, offense, or mean, someone should stand up to say that they did or said something inappropriate but how the message gets delivered matters. When pointing out something bad happening, we do not have to yell or scream, we could pull he person to the side and explain to them what they just did wasn't cool. Hopefully, they'll understand and apologize.

In another scenario, say the person does not understand what they did wrong and refuses to apologize despite hurting someone else's feeling, you let that person go.

They are not the human for you if they cannot see how they hurt someone even after gaining an explanation.

It is also wrong to harass anyone in any way; verbally, mentally, spiritually, or emotionally. I recently came across an incident about a woman yelling at a couple who was speaking Greek. It has upset her and she felt she had to do something about it. Her passion is great but it was expressed poorly in my opinion. She harassed two innocent people who are living their lives. Why did she feel the need to yell at people was not speaking English around her? I cannot answer for her but I know it is wrong to randomly approach people to start yelling at them because they do not speak the same language as you. 

America is the country that is is today because of all the people around the world who came here to create a better life for themselves and their families. There are hundreds of different cultures and ethnic groups throughout this country because of that generation who left their lives behind in other countries to star a new in American in hopes of creating better lives. It is that hope and bravery that built this country into the great nation that is it today.

I can also say that each country does have their pros and cons.

In America and all around the world, racism, xenophobia, homophobia, discrimination, bigotry, the list goes all of all these negative -isms and phobias have been around for generations and will probably never fully go away because we cannot go to every person and tell them stop being a homophobic for example. That is who they are as a person and we cannot expect people to change over night. What we can do is talk, discuss, to try to broaden their perspectives on topics they may not know about and that's it. If they decide to see things anew that is great but if they refuse to change their perspective on gay people, for example, then we need to keep moving forward and let that person go.

Everyone is different and everything is not for everyone.

We are all humans and want the same thing; a better life. I think that is something we can all agree with but sadly there are always going to be  people who feel differently and due to how passionate they may feel about something and feel they have to go out of their way to get their voice heard. Getting your voice heard about something you think is wrong is empowering for so many people.

ALTHOUGH, if it causes you to interfere with someone's way of living that is not directly impacting your own, the person going out of their way to get their voice heard unnecessarily is wrong. An example is someone feeling the need to go up to someone or a group of people to tell them, stop speaking Spanish, Greek, or Pakistani and speak English, we live in America. English became its own language people of the Latin and Greek language. Once someone approaches a person and starts telling them, stop speaking X language and speak English, that person is dividing people unnecessarily, fueling hate that is already getting passed around furiously in this country right now. We have protests to fight for what is wrong, to fight for those who desperate need help and need a voice to be heard because a wrong is happening and is damaging millions of lives. When one person wants to go to someone to tell them off because they look certain way, speak a certain way or act a certain way because they feel uncomfortable, all the have to do is leave that area. They do not have to ruin an individuals world because they don't know they can just leave a room and their world is alright again. It is that simple. If a situation or person makes you uncomfortable, you do not have to approach them and yell at them about it, just leave, go for your own sake but not at the risk of damaging someone else. 

There is so much hate and division as is around the world. We are all just one person apart but together we can come together to spread around some form of gratitude even if it is just one area. That is still something to be proud just as the men and women involved in the Women's March. 

The people during the Inauguration is a bit different. They were pissed and angered by everything go on and felt that their voices was not heard when speaking peacefully and felt they had to result to violence and that is what happened when too many people choose not to listen for even one minute; violence. It doesn't take a lot of energy to just listen to someone's opinions, even if they don't match up with yours, even if you might not have anything to say afterwards, listening is more than enough for most people; for them to vent and get whatever they have stuck on their chest off. Groups of people create a riot because their voices weren't getting heard and they knew if they started smashing stuff, people would definitely pay attention. We need to try to pay attention to those who are speaking when they have someone to say to prevent them from resorting to violence, to prevent people feeling that in order to get heard, they need to get violent. We also have to start treating violence different or else upcoming generation will think that in order to definitely get heard, they need to get violent.

I don't condone what the rioters did during the inauguration but I understand completely why they felt the need to.

I think I gave more than enough of my two cents and am going to end things here. Remember, everything I say is a suggestion, I am not telling anyone to do anything; my blog is meant to be a suggestion, food for thought. Follow me on TWITTER @midnighthuee and tell me what you thought about the inauguration and all the issues going on right now, I want to know what you think.

Fight for what you know is true, that is hurting others that need assistance. Remember to try to smile, even at a stranger, spreads the happiness around even for a moment. Try doing a good deed because it's contagious and until next time, Take Care <3

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Take care of yourself.

When it comes to taking care of myself, I have sucked at it for years. When I was in college my diet wasn't so bad because I had nearby places to get good food on a daily basis. At home, my mother is the one who mainly buys the snacks and she loves buying junk food. A majority of the time I have no choice but to eat the junk food she bought if that is all she has and I'm hungry. I normally have to press down on her to make sure she buys healthy snacks because I don't want to feel sluggish or fill my stomach up with rubbish.

I know so many people are in situations similar to mine where one person in the house, a parent like myself, are the ones in charge of buying the food for the house and doesn't always make healthy choices. I know for many people it is very difficult to give up certain junk foods like chips or to even give up soda is practically the end for others. I know I used to drink soda often but I soon as I learned how bad it was for my body, I dropped it immediately and now I mainly drink water, iced tea, and juice. Even with juice we have to be careful and pay some attention to how much sugar is in our juices. Yes, we need sugar but we don't need 54 grams of sugar every day.

Exercising! Exercising is another key task in our weekly schedule to complete in order to become more healthy and to stay healthy throughout our lives. I know we hear it all over the place now. Go jogging! Join a gym! Wanna be gym buddies!? As annoying as it can be sometimes, it is very important to be doing some type of exercise even if it is just walking for about half an hour 3-4 times a week. Many people played Pokemon Go to get their exercise in and for some it worked. People were working out by power walking and running all over the place trying to be the very best and they weren't even thinking about the fact that there were exercising for about an hour; killing two birds with one stone.

Personally, I hated exercising when I was a teenager but as I got older and started to realize the benefits for exercise, I have been putting more effort over the years to figure out which workout is right for me, my schedule, and my body type. That is something that I notice some people might not pay too much mind to; which workout is suitable for their body type. Everyone isn't the same so why should our workouts be? Partner up with someone you trust to push you to help look around for you perfect workout and to help you stay on track to reach whichever physical goals you've made for yourself.

My goal is to have a smaller stomach because my belly has grown over the years and drinking beer can and will give you a beer gut, head my words. I have learned my lesson and I have continued to pay mind to what I put into my body and what time of the day I put food into my body. What time of the day we eat and drink is also important. Sure, we can cheat here and there and treat ourselves with a little midnight snack but we have to try not to make it a habit.

Being mindful of our hair, skin, and nails. I know this all sounds a lot but baby steps matters. Knowing how to groom ourselves, what product works best for us, what type of hairstyle looks great on us, how should we shape our facial hair? What color looks best on us? Long nails or short? Being mindful to clip your finger and toe nails weekly to probably bi-weekly depending on how fast your nails may grow. Same goes for you hair; we should be trimming out ends every 6 months to ensure our hair is healthy and grows well. Skin, I can't stress enough to hydrate our skin and to nourish our skin. SPF EVERYWHERE! SPF is so important ALL. YEAR. ROUND. Even in the winter the sun's rays can cause much damage to your skin so make sure you facial creams have SPF.

These are just a few things that came to mind for me when it comes to taking care of myself and encouraging others to continue to take care of themselves or to start thinking about where we can improve; there is always room for improvement.

These are my suggestions and I hope they help encourage you to love not just the inside but the outside of your bodies.

Please follow me on TWITTER @midnighthuee where I post little positive notes that hopefully can perk you up. I post here every Sunday.

Remember to keep smiling and try to smile towards others because you never know who you can cheer up. Until next time. Take Care <3

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Our Realistic New Year's Resolutions

What is important to keep in mind when creating new New Years resolutions or continuing your old ones are to ensure yourself that they are realistic.

You want your goals to be something you know you could do and won't beat yourself up if you don't accomplish them in a certain amount of time.

One of my continuing resolutions is losing weight which I have been struggling with because I still have no find my balance with it. My goal is still to lose five pounds. I had accomplished that goal previously but I gained the five pounds right back before I knew it. Hence why I have not found my balance yet. The bright side is that I know I can do it again because I have so it is not an unrealistic goal, I can totally do it.

An example of being unrealistic is wanting to lose 25 pounds in two weeks. That is too much strain on your body especially if you have a schedule of other things to do. There is nothing wrong with starting small because every little bit will add up along the way. Also, if you don't succeed with you smaller goals at first, I think you're less likely to feel too bad because of how small the goal is.

Also, do your best to separate you short-term goals from your long-term goals. I stress this very much because time is a big difference. You short-term goals are ambitions you can accomplish in a matter of weeks to a few months. Your long-term goals are other intentions that can be accomplished in a few months to a few years maybe, time varies depending on your goals. If you want to get a new degree, that does take a few years to about five years max depending on the degree so be mindful.

Be mindful and remember that you are a human being with thoughts, feelings, and opinions. Do not forget that you are also interacting with other human beings with their own feelings, thoughts, and opinions so do your best to be kind.

We have to make mistakes to grow so try to become okay when you do make mistakes and not beat yourself up too much or become too disappointed with yourself; you will get back up. Yes, when we are in certain situations, we cannot afford to make a mistake but your previous mistakes have gotten you ready for that situation where you can't make a mistake.

I digress. Make you goals, separate them between short and long-term, and it's okay if you don't accomplish them in the time frame you set because giving yourself more time is more than okay. Also be realistic with your goals because you will be more likely to achieve them. Small goals will add up over time so it's okay to make a bunch of small goals because all together are big goals in the end.

That is my suggestion for today.

Drink plenty of water and remember to exercise even if it's just power walking. Try to go for a walk and get some sun because I know I keep losing time to get more sun because it is winter in the city and I don't function in winter time.

Follow me on TWITTER @midnighthuee and tell me what you resolutions are.

I have also finally decide to post here once a week on SUNDAYS. Sorry I took so long to decide a day but it has been decided so look forward to them. Hopefully they don't suck too much.

Remember to show your teeth and to try doing one good deed a day. Until next time, Take Care <3

Monday, January 2, 2017

Bringing in the New Year

Excuse my lateness with this post. I'm sure like everyone else, I was enjoying the beginning of the New Year. I'd like to say that my start is great so far; spending it with my best friend. I'm sure everyone had a great time and I hope that everyone made it back home safely. This is a day where everyone is drinking and having plenty of fun which is wonderful but sadly as everyone knows, alcohol is consumed a lot more than usual on New Years. A lot of people tend to get careless and let loose because of the holiday and there's nothing really wrong except that safety becomes an issue as soon as you lose control of your body.

People can get seriously hurt and unfortunately, some have lost their lives and loved ones because of some people becoming 'too' careless on New Years. I always stress for everyone to be as mindful and careful as possible. I know there will always be people calling you lame for wanting to play it safe but there is nothing cool about drinking and driving, texting and driving, even playing Pokemon Go while driving, and getting into an accident. It is not cool to badger someone because they rather be safe than sorry either. Those who are encouraging other to be careful and safe are the people you should listen too and keep around because more than likely, you will live longer and will not get hurt as much.

We can all have plenty of fun while still being careful and I'm not just saying that because I'm a young adult, I'm saying it because it is true. It's not cool to get into life threatening accidents because you think you'll become 'cooler' for it. Being cool is a perspective. If you think you're cool and your loved ones think you're cool, then you're cool and that's all that matters.

I hope everyone was as careful as they can be and prevented as many accidents as possible.

Recapping on last year for a moment, I can say it wasn't all that bad as the media played it out to be in my opinion. Yes, I think the media wanted people to be angry about whatever it is to distract us from real important activities such as who is running our government, the mentalities of some of our political figures, and who they want us to pick to be in charger of us. You don't have to believe, everything I say here is a suggestion, hence the name of this blog.

Everything happens for a real and there can always be a manipulator. When it comes to certain situations, the smart ones can always play dumb to get by. 

Other than the media, I learned a lot about myself this passing year. I continue to find new ways to stand up for myself in ways I didn't know how to before. Even though I am a straightforward person, there are still some ways that I am not so blunt such as my love life. Guys ask me if I want a relationship and I'd beat around the bush saying I'm not in a rush. Which is true but I do want a relationship. I thought because I've been single for a long time that I had to be okay with being single and I am but I also thought that I had to play it cool when I did want more romantically. I was afraid of scaring guys away and I've probably have. It's a bummer but those are not the guys for me.

Do not be afraid to say what you need and want. I stress that as if tomorrow does not exist. If you know what you want and work for it, it will happen in due time, you just have to want it bad enough. Also be yourself, best advice anyone can give because everyone else is taken.

If you had a bad year, that means there's a lot to take from it and bring it into this new year. Finding the silver lining will help set things in perspective that things can be worse but they aren't. Try to make the best of things and don't give up. You have to go through obstacles to get to the finish line, can't always just walk across.

On a side note, drink plenty of water, exercise even if it's just walking everywhere, take better care of yourself and continue to do what makes you happy because that is what this life is partially about, being happy. Even when you are sad, it's okay to be sad, be sad! Be confused! Be perplexed. Fall in love, Fall out of love. Learn how to take care and love yourself that way you can do the same for others and learn to truly care for the love of your life. Read that book, play that game, jump that hurdle, write that book, and confess your love. Yeah, we have a lot of time but that doesn't mean you should wait forever.

Those are my suggestions.

Hope everyone had a wonderful day and continue being you're best. Please follow me on TWITTER @midnighthuee and tell me about your new year. What did you do? Tell me about 2016. Did it suck or was it your best year so far? Post. Don't be shy.

Spread that pretty smile and try doing one good deed. Be safe. HAPPY NEW YEAR!! Until Next time, Take Care <3