Sunday, July 9, 2017

300 Writing Prompts Book

I bought this book that has 300 different writing prompts as another way to keep myself inspired when it comes to my writing. I know my writing is good compared to others but I never want to be cocky when it comes to my writing. 

As of late, I have been making some moves I've never saw myself making. I have actually made more accounts on websites that focus mainly on writing and how to improve our writing skills. I actually cannot believe how motivated I have been feeling when it comes to writing. I have been consistent for quite a couple weeks now and of course I have had days that includes no sort of writing because that is what happens when we make goals for ourselves; we eventually tire out and don't want to touch anything having to do with our goals.

Is that bad? No. Not in particular.

It does not mean that we have given up. It mainly means we're tired and want a break to recharge and rejuvenate our creative fountains. Being creative, in my opinion, can be so difficult, tiring, and sometimes even demanding if you have a fan-base and if you have an extremely large fan-base things may be highly demanding. 

For those who are interested in buying the book, you can buy it here on Amazon for about 10 dollars. It has been a great tool for me thus far. Even on days I don't write for my posts I don't feel as guilty because I have a book that is full of ideas; some creativity is bound to come from somewhere in my infinite mind.

A prompt I wanted to talk about is,"Why do you think some people are successful and others are not?" I recommend this prompt for anyone who is willing to take a wack at it. What I wrote in my book is, "There is the Google definition to the word 'successful' which is accomplishing an aim or purpose. When it comes to the synonyms, words such as leading, thriving, brilliant and triumphant mean successful as well. What it personally means to be successful is all up to the individual. Why some people succeed and other don't? They didn't want it. I'm not going to say enough because either you want it or you don't. When you want something you pursue until the day you have it or something similar even. When you're hungry, you're looking around until you find food."

Keep in mind, this book has the prompts and the challenge is you are either given a page or half a page to answer the prompt. This one is half a page so my answer does not sound well. But I ended up getting inspired to elaborate some more and here we are.

I wanted to give a definition of the word 'success' for people to keep that in mind when reading my prompt answer. Going off the definition, what it means to be successful means to accomplish an aim or purpose. If someone feels their purpose is to be a writer and they become one, they're now considered successful. We as "ordinary" people see plenty of celebrities, those on YouTube for example, who are considered successful to us because we see them thriving and living comfortable lives - more comfortable than us we feel sometimes. 

But they do not consider themselves to be successful because they feel that they have yet to accomplish their aims and/or purpose. That is why I wrote, "what it personally means to be successful is all up to the individual." We all have goals we want to achieve. But are we considered successful as soon as we hit that goal? We can consider ourselves successful by definition because we accomplished an aim.

Our society has taught us that we are not considered "successful" until we have some form of thriving business, known around the world, make a bountiful amount of money or have a successful career where we no longer have to worry about our finances. Even by society's definition there are more than one way to become successful. But why do I think some people become successful and other's don't. I put because they didn't want their goal and that is how it is for some people. 

They set a goal, say they'll do it and never get around to it. They didn't want it.

What about for those who try all the time and never achieve? They probably did achieve said goal and didn't notice. I know that is something that happens sometimes. Again, with the successful YouTubers. They're very well known throughout the web and are offered opportunities every once in a while. I consider that to be successful because they don't really have to worry about money as much as I do. Some might not feel as if they are successful because they haven't reached a specific goal. But that does not mean they aren't successful; it probably just hasn't hit some of them how successful they really are and it happens sometimes.

Some people get so caught up in pursuing their goals that they're not sure where to really stop or when. Some know they don't want to stop pursing but others genuinely don't know how to stop pursuing a goal even after they've achieved it. Just feels weird to some because they got so used to putting so much time to getting to their goals and one day they are there and what is next? 

Make a new goal? Maybe? The next thing can be whatever they want it to be.

Overall, if you want something, you will keep going until you get to it if you really want it with all your might. Why I think some don't? There are always so many reasons why someone does not become successful but I still round back to what I said previously, they didn't want it. People who become successful wanted to reach their goal so bad that they made sacrifices they thought they never make. Even if it's losing hours of sleep or losing time socializing; those are sacrifices. They're not big to some but are to others. Sacrifices vary among the individual.  

Those who don't succeed, they always come up with some excuse not to work towards their goals. They didn't have time, they were tired, their kids got in the way, work was too much this week, their spouse wanted a date night, the internet was down, there was no electricity so they couldn't type, their keyboard got too dirty because their kids spilled something on it, it was their best friend's birthday, they had to go to a wedding and etc etc etc.

Those actives and events are part of our everyday lives and successful people do all of these things too so what makes those who are not successful so special that they couldn't pursue their dreams while successful people are doing the same things as them if not more? What is their real excuse for not pursuing their dreams? There are none. Either you want to pursue your dream or you don't. It's that simple. You start somewhere and go from there but you have to work towards it or else you'll never get it.

You don't have time? Find it. You were tired? Take a nap and do something right after you wake up. You kids got in the way? Tell them you have something very important to do, they'll understand. Work was too much? Do something before or after work, heck, during lunch do something to go for your dreams. You spouse wanted a date night? Do something after you get home. There was no electricity? We have pen and paper, jot something down. You keyboard was too dirty? Hurry the fuck up and clean and keep working! You best friend had a birthday party or someone got married? Do something after or before! There was time to do all of these things so how come there is no time when it comes to your dreams or goals? You have the time. You're just not giving it to your dreams because you think it'll randomly come true one day if you keep thinking about it long enough. That is not how making dreams come true works. 

You have to want it and envision it with all you heart. If you don't know which way to walk you're not going to walk down the path that is best for you. Find you path! Envision it! Next, work... After you figure out what you want, work towards it. Wanna be a writer? Write. Want to be a doctor? Study medicine. Want to be a dancer? Practice and exercise almost everyday and put yourself out there. Make videos of you dancing and go to dance places and ask around for dance companies to apply for and meet the supervisors there. Ask to talk to the people in charge and tell them how passionate you are about your dream. But you have to get up and go somewhere towards your dreams!

I will end things here. I got very passionate with this post and I think this is a good place to take things down a notch and breath. I just want to become a writer to some extent so badly. I have to keep writing. I know one day I will work in the mental health field but I don't know if I'll ever be a writer. Which means I have to keep writing until I do. Follow your dreams guys. Everything I say here is merely a suggestion. No matter what I suggest, you can make the final decision in what you think is best for you. Please follow me on TWITTER @midnighthuee and tell me what your dreams were when you were younger.

Smile. Try to do one good deed each day and until next time, Take Care <3

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