Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Writer's Block

I ended up being really late with this post because I still have no idea what to write for today's post. I know this is something that happens to just about every writer; write's block. It sucks because we want to write but we just can't come up with anything good to write about. I probably do the same thing that all writers do which is beat ourselves up for not knowing what to write because we normally know what to write. Then those random days occur where we just suddenly don't know what to write about and we just lay around thinking and thinking and nothing.

It's not necessarily a bad thing but we feel like it is because we want to put something out there but it just isn't our day. I got into the habit of writing before hand and posting the day of to make sure I always have something ready but this week, I have been going blank. I ended up being in a place where I was about to not post at all but I know that isn't cool so I decided to write about my writer's block experience. 

I even decided that it could be a good topic in the end because I am not the only one who experiences this so it might be good for other to read and know that they are not the only ones either. Also for others to keep in mind that it is not a terrible thing and it is not the end of the world. We just can't help but feel frustrated because we know that we are better than this but nothing is coming out. 

One thing that can be done is what I am doing right now, just writing out your feelings and letting others know that they are not the only ones and it is not, I repeat, it is not a bad thing and not the end of the world. I bet tomorrow I will figure something out for Thursday because writer's block goes as fast as it comes so don't fuss or worry over it too much and I'm the worrying type. I'm the type of person who worries too often because I just care too much.  So for me to say not to worry about writer's block means you'll be more than okay; you'll be great in the end.

Another option is thinking about current events and stating your opinion in a civil manner and when I say that, I mean to be cool about it; you're not trying to persuade someone that you're smart or your view is best. I mean to express yourself in a way to strike up a reasonable debate and to just be open to hearing other's opinion because that's how we learn from each other; by listening. Even though I know it's the internet and there's basically no such thing as anything civil but it doesn't hurt to try.

Another thing that could be done is reading or remembering something you read and writing about that. You could even write about your favorite book and write about why it's your favorite compared to the hundreds and thousands of books in the entire world.

Alright, I'm going to end things here because I don't know what else to write about xD

I'm sorry again for this post being so late and thank you for dealing with my not so punctual schedule. I know I ended up not doing the IPSY review and I'm deeply sorry for that. I feel that now it is too late for it so clearly I took too long and lost my chance. I will review IPSY's bag this month along with BIRCHBOX's box for April so look forward to that. I promise I will review both this month. 

Please follow me on TWITTER @Midnighthuee and give my TUMBLR a shot even though there isn't much there but I plan to fill it up soon @Midnighthuee. Tell me what you guys do when you have writer's block and tell me overall how I'm doing, don't be shy.

Until next time, don't forget to flash your wonderful smiles and Take Care <3 

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