Saturday, January 20, 2018

small hiatus

I have a post at the ready that will come out this week, more than likely. But afterward, I need to take a little hiatus.

I have really been serious and focusing on losing weight for health reasons. I really want to make that my main priority at the moment. I don't see myself taking a long leave but long enough for me to lose some weight and get some good writing done.

I have been feeling that some of my recent stuff is not great and is rushed to some extent. I want to take some time out to really get some ideas flowing and to give those who actually read my posts something to think about.

The whole point of my blog is to get us thinking about nontraditional things. I was us to think critically and why not push some boundaries? Let's talk about those 'taboo' topics and just have a discussion. Some people get too emotional and make things personal when people just want to talk and have fun. Avoid those people if you want a legitimate conversation and to probably have a fun debate.

Again, thank you for those who have been here since the beginning and the newcomers. You mean so much to me. I don't know who you are but you exist and that's more than enough for me. Keep reading, keep exploring, and stay questioning.

I'll be back soon. 💖

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